I agree that accountability comes at the expense of government efficiency. The ability of a government to function efficiently is directly related to its capability to quickly and effectively address the problems of its constituents. As a result, greater accountability at times can delay or even compromise the ability of governments to function efficiently. The issue that arises, however, is that of whether we can have both accountability and government efficiency within the context of the EU. While some scholars such as Hix have argued that greater contestation of elections in the European Parliament or other measures would increase accountability, others have argued that many reforms would do little to change the underlying functioning of
Accountability is not an abstract concept. It is actually extremely simple. Accountability means saying what you mean, meaning what you say, and doing what you say you 're
Accountability is defined by department of defense as the obligation imposed by a law or lawful order or regulation on an officer or other person for keeping an accurate record of government property, documents or funds. The numerical end product of personnel accountability process reflects the combat power of a unit.
Does the EU suffer from a democratic deficit? If so, can it be solved by conferring greater powers on the European parliament?
Firstly, there is democratic deficit as the Commission is not democratically elected but appointed by the Member States’ governments and it has the monopoly of initiating laws. It may alter its proposal during law-making process as long as the council has not amended the proposal. However, EU citizens do not elect this powerful body and thus it lacks legitimacy as it is much too powerful for an institution that is not democratically representative of the EU citizens. It is only accountable to the European Parliament and the Council. It can be argued that the Commission does not represent the interest of the EU as a
What is accountability? The obligation imposed by law or lawful order or regulation on an officer or other person for keeping accurate record of property, documents, or funds. The person having this obligation may or may not have actual possession of the property, documents, or funds. Accountability is concerned primarily with records, while responsibility is concerned primarily with custody, care, and safekeeping.
You can't define the importance of accountability, without bringing up the topic of counting. What do you think accounting is? Calculating those very elements, that you or someone else counted and then recorded, and interpreting the results from those variables (the ones you counted in order to assign a numerical value). The process goes as such: counting the number of elements (or objects, such as people, equipment, etc.), recording the value of those elements recieved from the "count method," classifying those numbers into their respective variables, operating on those variables in different ways to simulate different scenarios or events, summarizing the significance of each calculation, and interpreting the results of these mathematical processes.
In this assignment I will be assessing the democratic accountability of the European Union. I will begin by briefly describing the institutions, their functions, compositions and discuss how they work as check and balance system to ensure democratic accountability further to look on to how laws are made and what they are In order to establish whether or not the EU is in fact answerable to its citizens.
Accountability has become an important field in the health care programs because it involves the events and procedures for not only mitigating but also taking responsibility for the actions taking place in an organization. This is crucial because how the funds are handled may directly affect how the patient is treated or the quality of treatment the patient gets. Accountability has also been known to have a robust influence on how one makes decisions. This has been proved true in the study of social cognition, organizational dynamics, and human interaction. This shows the importance of accountability in the health care systems and how the employee's accountability is measured. It is also important to analyze how the checks and balances procedure is like. Accountability also affects the organization's working culture hence the importance to maintain a good working culture and avoid one that is blamed in health care.
Accountability is defined as, the obligation imposed by law or lawful order or regulation on an officer or other person for keeping accurate record of property, documents, or funds. The person having this obligation may or may not have actual possession of the property, documents, or
In the healthcare industry accountability displays responsibility, honesty, and hard work. Employer’s count on employees to display these duties everyday in order to have an productive organization accountability must be instilled within every employee. Throughout the healthcare field there are several patients that need attention employees must be able to provide this as well as take responsibility for their mistakes which often happens when working in healthcare. This paper will discuss a few points about accountability such as the importance of accountability in healthcare, how are employees
The multigovernmental nature of the European Union and the national governments of its member states also helps to decrease the democratic deficit, not only on a supranational level, but on a national level as well (Eising 2011). Because there is a division of powers and sovereignty between these two levels of governance, citizens have the capacity, through interest group activity, to represent their interests to two different legislative bodies that could pursue legislation in their favour (Kohler-Koch 1997; Eising 2011). Similarly, due to the relatively nascent state of European Union interest group activity, many groups with similar interests are combining and coordinating efforts in order to have a bigger influence over policy decisions (Greenwood 2003, Eising 2011). Because of this unique phenomenon, smaller groups may work in tandem with
The Importance of Accountability is so my chain of command knows where everyone is so if they need a soldier for something they will know where to find them. It is also necessary to have accountability to make sure everyone in my class, platoon, or unit is safe and to make sure they are where they are supposed to be.
Accountability affects your everyday life without you even realizing it. At this point in our lives it is no longer a job but a part of life and a sign of responsibility. Another sign of maturity is holding yourself accountable for your own actions. If you are one of those people who goes around making excuses for everything you do, people will begin to lose faith in you, and in turn you will not only lose your credibility but their trust as well. After a certain point excuses become less relevant or believable and you are seen and/or treated as if you were lying. No leader likes the “It wasn’t my fault”, “I was gonna”, or “see what had happened was” guy/gal and you shouldn’t want to be him/her. It is always better to hold yourself accountable for your own actions, you will gain a lot more respect that way. Once again accountability plays a major role in the quality of your everyday life and the lives of those around you as well. Good accountability or a lack of accountability can mean the difference in somebody getting paid the right amount or even at all. It could be the difference of receiving a tax refund or paying the state more than what you owe. It could be your children returning safely from a field trip or sending out an ABB or Amber Alert. It could even mean the life or death of a friend whether you’re deployed or just downtown having a drink. Nobody knows how a lack of
Being accountable is something a lot of people typically avoid. In many instances of our lives, and in our country and our society, there are times where people aren't accountable and don't own up to what they're doing. Social and political problems are abound in this country from people not being accountable and responsible for what they do. Our country is full of instances, playing out everywhere, of people who make poor
To address transparency issues, adequate transparency within government must be ensured; and transparency and accountability should be promoted within democratic governance. Florida leads the country in providing public access to government meetings and records. Florida State leaders believe in the notion that government should be held accountable to the citizens. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis wrote, in his 1932 article called “What Publicity Can Do” that, “Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants; electric light the most efficient policeman.” (Brandeis, 1914) Government transparency means placing all financial and public information online in an easy to use, readily understandable system. A transparent system is important, because it allows taxpayers to see clearly how public servants are spending tax money, and it also gives citizens the ability to hold their elected officials accountable.