
What Is The Mood Of The Poem 'Luck'?

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The text of “Luck” appeals to a variety of readers, but especially to those who originate from a broken home; a divided family. Each broken home has a unique story nevertheless the underlying feelings of betrayal and separation are mutual amongst all with parallel experiences. “Luck” is written so that readers can insert themselves into the story to feel the detachment of heart and mind shared by the speaker.
Without using names, the text offers the reader a clear understanding of who the poem is about; a father and a stepfather. The sonnet uses “Blood” for the biological father of the narrator sending mixed meanings to readers as blood is habitually related to life but also death. “Marriage” is used in place of the stepfather’s name and is …show more content…

The first “stanza”, top four lines, the text addresses the biological father, who comes first in life’s timeline. The next four lines addresses the stepfather who commonly enters one’s life with little notice or closure between both male figures. The third section of the poem gives readers the sense of dismay that the speaker comprehends while trying to mend the relationship that society makes so vital when also feeling true support from the nonrelated. The body of the poem, which follows the English rhyme scheme, is a description of a personal experience with divorce and division of loyalty but the speaker knows this may not resonate with all readers.
The couplet at the closing of the sonnet makes a universal statement, on the complexity of families, which all humans can relate to especially in contemporary society. Whether a reader has a cookie-cutter family or a household with a bomb waiting to go off, because of the intricacy of human nature and emotion there is an understanding of the art to balance the whole. With specific and intentional word choice the text of “Luck” pulls readers into the story to feel the internal conflict and further related it to their own

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