
What Makes A Perfect World?

Decent Essays

What is a perfect world? I thought to myself after reading the material for this final case study, and though it is hard to vocalize a perfect world, one of the greatest attributes would to live in a world where the workday starts and nine and ends at five. This may be a reality for many employees, but I have a hard time believing so for any career employee’s at an organization. Ten years ago I joined the United States Air Force, knowing what I was getting myself into, I knew that the average nine to five was out of the question, but as I progress to the higher ranks, I really see the affects of how my work does not end at the office. Homework has become a normal part of my daily life; luckily my wife understands and supports me along this disheartening path. Yet even though I work in Information Technology (IT) and utilize tools that enable one to work from outside of the office, detached from a desk, and way from subordinates and boss’s, my organization does not allow this. They use these tools as an avenue to enable individuals to work from home after work or on weekends and holidays. Reading this it may sound like the military is an unfair work place forcing members long hours, but I have no right to complain, as I volunteered and chose this life. But for the purposes of the assignment, I will look into, and examine the issue of companies using IT to extend work into employees’ home lives, and if doing so is based on ethical and moral grounds, or if it is

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