The most terrifying combination monster, would be a wraith shark. I mean it would be two killing machines in one body, and now it can kill your entire party on land, and eat you alive at sea, not to mention it would be absolute nightmare fuel just to look, or think about it. It would be a horrifying ghoul mixed in with a razor toothed killing machine of the sea, and so in my opinion that’s scary. Now you may be wondering where something like this came from so I’ll tell you the story. Long ago a wraith was floating across the beach looking for it’s next victim when it came across a dying shark, so the wraith ate it, but little did it know that the shark was pregnant, and while the wraith was digesting the mother, it’s babies started to mutate
animal to be born without hair. A recent show on televisions “Dirty Jobs” by Mike Rowe, shows
It look like a fish but it has two legs. This monster is a curiosity. No one knows what it really is.It should be a fish that grows on the seafloor.They are have foot.The world has monsters just legend, but why there is a real monster?Monsters only in legends and fairy tales, but in earth has a monster!This no one believes there is a monster, but the monster wounding, but the data show that it does not harm humans.What if it was just a new species?strange, how would the world have the monster?Two zoologists were called in to make a professional evaluation of the creature.They agreed that this was some unknown species of animal.It have two feet, two leg,
I learned several things I did not know before this video, for instance the different stages things form in a baby. The first thing that stood out to me was at twenty five days the heart chamber assembles. Another interesting fact about the embryo’s heart is it beats twice as fast as the mothers. However, at thirty two days the embryo grows arms and legs. Additionally, another interesting piece of information was at fifty two days the baby starts developing their retina, nose, and fingers. In all reality the embryo looks like a tiny human at the age of nine weeks inside of the mother’s stomach.
Shark mating rituals vary from the size of the shark and its specie. In smaller, more flexible species, the male coils around the female, while the male of the larger specie orients himself parallel and head-to-head with the female (Woums & Demski 1993). Some species mating rituals also consists of males biting females on the pectoral fins or the middle of the back to hold on to them (Woums & Demski 1993). The female will often bear scars or marks, after the ordeal. Due to the fact that sharks are cold blooded animals, there is no precise gestation time. The development of the embryo will depend solely on the temperature of the water, however, the gestation period can last anywhere from 2 months to 2 years (Woums & Demski 1993). Within shark species there are two methods of reproduction. In some cases a female shark will lay eggs in a coastal nursery where the presence of other sharks are absent. And in other cases, usually in the larger sharks, females give birth to live offspring (Wourms & Demski 1993). In which case the young are born fully developed, and once they are born they shoot away fast or they risk being eaten.
a simple genetic mutation. The man who wrote the article, Carl Wieland, believes that is was a simple genetic mutation. He says that he believes that the process of this mutation is the same as the evolutionists’ belief. While evolutionists believe this is a prime example of evolution, he shows through his article how he believes it is a simple genetic mutation. He refers to the bible verses that speak of the curse on all the living things in the world to show that genetic copying errors could be easily made and are made in every species. Evolutionists believe that this species of fish is a perfect example of the “evolution is a fact” idea, although both this writer and evolutionists both believe that this species of blind fish and the ones that live on the surface are so closely identical that they should be named under the same species
Some animals make different sounds.But this animal makes weird sound.It makes tzz,tzz sound.but the goblin shark has weird teeth and and a long nose the man said that" I've never seen something so ugly in my life."
Compare your top ranked monster to Michael Myers, and ask yourself these two questions. Do you think your monster is more ruthless than Michael Myers? I guarantee you that your monster is not. Do you think your monster could kill Michael Myers before he kills them? I can definitely guarantee you, your monster could give it all it’s got and still fail to slay this beast. To me Michael Myers is the biggest monster ever created in films because he is ruthless, and he's close to impossible to kill, and after reading this I would hope you have added him to the top of your list as
Out of all the animals i think would be most scared of the Lowland Gorillas because gorillas can lift almost 1,800 lbs or more usually. If they wanted to they could take over the world. Also they could kill you if they wanted to so that makes them scary to some people. Gorillas are 15 times stronger than humans so they strong which makes them perfect for scaring
The archetype of the number three is used a lot in Things Fall Apart. Both Okonkwo and his Father, Unoka married three women. Also, “for three years Ikemefuna lived in Okonkwo’s household,” (10). The number three can be an archetype of family, generations, time, and trinity. Each man having three wives shows family and Ikemefuna living with Okonkwo for three years represents time, and the past, present, and future.
Since grade school, kids have been afraid of monsters or any spooky creatures. Whether it would be traditional culture monsters or serial killers, it would create nightmares for children. A monster can be defined differently to various types of people. It can be a ugly creature or anything in disguise with an evil spirit. A monster is any being that is evil through its morals, actions, and the fear it puts in people.
Monsters inspire fear in humans. For instance, the Minotaur is a hybrid monster from Greek mythology with a body of a man and a head and tail of a bull. In the story of the Minotaur he is known as a horrendous creature that destroys and consumes anything in sight. Theseus,
To be considered a monster the character must possess an appalling appearance or personality. Monsters have heavily been prevalent throughout human history, striking fear into the hearts of people for centuries. In Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Bram Stoker’s Dracula Frankenstein’s monster and Dracula possess appalling personalities and exterior that attributes to their own unique monstrosity. They are both iconic monsters that have terrified people around the world for ages. However, they are two very different creatures; for instance Frankenstein is a monster because he is shunned by society for his grotesque appearance. Dracula is a monster because he feasts upon the living for
It’s completely dark and the ocean wind sends chills through every layer of my clothing- the biologist leading our team packs up his drill and finishes his evaluation of that night’s horseshoe crab mark- and- recapture event. I aimlessly scan the sand around my feet and am taken aback by something noticeably different; virtually indistinguishable from the sand are tiny, pale green horseshoe crab eggs- millions of them among huge stretches in every direction. Inspecting a few of the paler eggs, I was shocked to see that within each was a nearly microscopic, moving embryo of the arthropods. Never was I more aware of the sheer abundance of life around me than in that moment, something that will remain as a source of inspiration for many years
Monsters, the creatures of the night who prey on our fear. The ones who have no sense of emotion and lack the ability to show remorse. The big, the bad, and the ugly that lurks within all of us. The term “monster” has been around for centuries, throughout the years the view on monsters has changed, but the one thing that has stayed the same is the fact that we have always viewed them as something negative. We view monsters as evil and scary. Personally, I think of blood and murder when I hear the word monster. A monster brings out our darkest and weakest sides, whether it’s the anger that they cause or the fear they bring upon us. The term monster can be defined in many different ways, depending on how we view them, but I feel like the
What is a monster? The word "monster" causes one to imagine a hideous, deformed or nonhuman creature that appears in horror movies and novels and terrifies everyone in its path. More importantly, however, the creature described generally behaves monstrously, doing things which harm society and acting with little consideration for the feelings and safety of others. "Thus, it is the behavior which primarily defines a monster, rather than its physical appearance"(Levine 13).