
What Now Pills Or Video Games?

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What Now Pills or Video Games? More then 7 million people have ADHD, only in United States; it is a huge number in comparison to other serious illnesses and diseases. For example, prostate and breast cancers are two most common cancers in the world right now and together there are a little bit over 6 million people who have it . National Institute of Mental Health(NIMN) gives a definition for the disorder:”Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common childhood disorders... difficulty staying focused and paying attention, difficulty controlling behavior, and hyperactivity (over-activity).” It is one of the most common disorders that can affect human life throughout childhood into later adulthood. The disorder …show more content…

As Ari Tuckman psychologist in West Chester, PA tells us: medication starts working in 30 to 60 minutes and lasts from 4 to about 14 hours, depending on the extension version or pills or tablets and persons organism. However, studies have shown that medication has negative side effects on human body. Meanwhile, there is an alternative with technology has been a big part of teenage and even adulthood life in the past decade. With all the new social media and technological opportunities there have been more discussions about how new tech discoveries can affect social life of new generation and how can it be helpful and degenerating at the same time. Also, the alternative treatment is a lot more time consuming. More discussion about “should every disorder and disease be treated with the drugs when it could be treated alternatively?” In the source package, the article by Dan Hurley, science journalist, “Can You Make Yourself Smarter”, it talks about alternative medical care and how Susanne Jaeggi came up with this “game”( program) that “showed improvement in a fundamental cognitive ability known as “fluid” intelligence”. However, besides improving fluid intelligence it also has shown improvement in treatment ADHD. At the same this article talked about the study by a Swedish neuroscientist Torkel Klinberg, has shown that patients with ADHD have shown a great improvement after five weeks of training

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