
What To Say About Robin Williams

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"Even more troubling than the misdiagnoses is the fact that an estimated 1.4 million people are suffering from the disease and might not know it. DLB is the second most common neurodegenerative dementia after Alzheimer's," says Pantelyat. "It is certainly not rare, it is the most common of the atypical Parkinson disorders that I deal with. That coupled with a lack of recognition adds up to a lot of patients who are not getting the appropriate care. Dr. Galvin adds that the general lack of awareness and standardized testing for the disease only complicates the issue. Even though the symptoms of LBD are present in the majority of patients, it is difficult to come up with a standardized way to assess each of the symptoms so that the average …show more content…

So sad. I Never met him but had friends that had. It is obvious his influence spanned decades with us all. As kids, the world stopped when that new nutty guy came on Mork and Mindy. We ate it up right. Then with the Stand- Up, he took us completely outside of the box. Brand new territory. He went into the strangest quirky places, but you could always follow him, he made sure. I really liked him on talk shows, where the lightning quick wit was on raw display. Always on his feet. A Legend for that first. Speaking as a comedic performer with a career of gigs, there is this dynamic I've perceived in so many others including myself. It goes back to Comedy/Tragedy for me. Great electrifying comedians seem to have 2 traits, intelligence and pain. The pain is like a great unmovable mountain. The intelligence steps in to counter it - to create a real way out or through the tragedy, on the urge to transform it, to deal, to attack it. The answer becomes obvious, it's antithesis - Comedy. The intelligence objectively trounces the pain, with a chronic attitude towards levity. It embarks on the magnanimous task of converting the Tragedy with a jocular transducer within. There is keen attention on from where the outer laughter comes, and it is refined and repeated to be reliable. The outer world becomes all happy by your doing, and positive attention comes. Very clever, but one can never dredge up a cure for the pain that way. It is a desperate …show more content…

Even though depression is a symptom of LBD, the fact that Williams had suffered from depression for decades greatly impacted his choice to take his own life. The world wanted to know how could a man so funny and happy take his own life. As we learned after Robin Williams suicide, with the help of his widow Susan Williams, we soon learned all of the facts that lead up to his death. There are many different degrees of depression ranging from mild to moderate to severe depression. Williams was suffering from major depressive disorder and Lewy Body Dementia at the time of his death. He was never officially diagnosed with depression and if not treated properly it will become worse over time. Drugs and alcohol also played a role in demise. The fact that Robin Williams was dealing with the debilitating LBD and untreated severe depressive disorder was just too much for him to bear. Robin Williams LBD symptoms along with decades struggling with these symptoms had proved to be too much for him. The suicide of Williams was tragic and heartbreaking, especially for his family. The world lost an extraordinarily talented actor, amazing father, husband and human being. We will never have the opportunity to see another performer or person like Robin Williams

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