
What Was The Biggest Mistake That Your Team Made?

Better Essays

Marni Widen
Marketing Strategy Final

1. What was the biggest mistake that your team made in MarkStrat? Why?
My groups biggest mistake was not conducting R&D in the first round for our brand MINT. After not conducting R&D, we were immediately behind every other team that had conducted research which ended up being almost every other team. Without R&D, we were putting all of our money into marketing products that were not specifically targeted towards any of the consumer segments. This proved to be unsuccessful which we realized only after seeing our financial report the next round. Though we conducted R&D the second round, other teams were already launching their new products which gave them the first mover advantage and most of the market share in their respective consumer segments. This crucial mistake forced our team to kill off a brand, MISS, in order to have the funds to conduct R&D on MINT and market the product. This ultimately led us to be gaining revenue from only one product the entirety of the game, putting us very behind compared to our competitors in terms of budget.

2. If you had another five rounds of MarkStrat competition, outline the strategy you would take?
If my group had another five rounds of MarkStrat we would definitely launch a new product in the middle income segment. Near the middle of the game we had wanted to conduct R&D to release a product in the middle income segment since there were no products currently in that market. But, since we didn’t

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