
What’s Wrong with Social Networking by Juno Parrenos

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Social Network Sites Many people have different opinions about social network sites. Some think that social networking is fun and a great way socialize, however, no one really take the time to realize how bad it could be and/or get. Social network sites can negatively impact lives because it can be the cause of missing important life moments, the reason of students getting bad grades, and be very extremely dangerous for anyone. Sites on the Web can be Distracting Although sites are interesting, they can keep you away from being social. In the article, “What’s Wrong with Social Networking”, the author, Juno Parrenas, claims, “In the age of smart phone, we all find ourselves at the dinner tables with at least on anti-social person peering at their phone mid-conversation or grabbing their phones to take Instagram snapshots of every course of the meal”(1). It is very disturbing to know that some human beings do not take the time the time to sit and instead, get on their phone. Plenty of people miss valuable time that actually matters because of the distracting, network sites. Maureen Henderson, the author of the article “3 Reasons You Should Quit Social Media”, says, “189 million of Facebook users are ‘mobile only’, which means that people are constantly on their phone”(1). So not only does people waist valuable moments on the web, people can be messing up their lives by focusing on their phones, which they do bring everywhere. Henderson also states, “Almost a quarter

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