
Why Did Andrew Jackson Become President

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Andrew Jackson was a well known politician back in the 1800s. He was one of many key people that helped change and impacted through their actions. Andrew Jackson fought in the revolutionary war when he was 13 years old. Andrew won the 1828 election by a landslide because after the Henry Clay scandal, Adams became very unpopular in addition, Andrew had many voters that were common people they supported him because he directly appealed to them because of the changes he said he would make when he became president.

Before Andrew Jackson became president of the. Andrew Jackson was a soldier, teacher, lawyer, procecutor, and the vice president of the United States. Andrew Jackson was in the revolutionary war when he started he was 13 by the time it ended he was 15 years old it gave him a lot of time to become more mature. Andrew was a prosecutor in the district of North Carolina. …show more content…

John Adams made a deal with Henry Clay to help him win the election in return Adams would make him Secretary Of State. In 1828 Andrew Jackson ran for presidency, he beat Adams by a landslide because he became very unpopular during the 4 years he was president. Andrew appealed to most common people, that's what helped him win the election, he used a direct campaign towards people.

Andrew Jackson introduced new changes to the US he opposed the renewal charter of the second national bank and he wanted to decrease the size of the government. After Jackson won, he expanded the democracy in the US. It was things like this that he did that made a huge impact on what would become of the United States. In 1835 Andrew Jackson paid off all of the nations debts, but in 1837 the national Panic occurred which made the debt comeback and increase. Andrew's wife Rachel died during the three years Andrew was campaigning against

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