
Why Did President Woodrow Wilson Join World War One?

Decent Essays

Intro: President Wilson made his best efforts to keep peace in the United States and around the world, but in the end he failed to do both and failed to keep the United States from entering the war. Through the years of World War 1, there were many notable people in which we can recognize today.
Woman: Julia Hunt Catlin Park Depew Taufflieb was a philanthropist and socialite who lived from 1864 to 1947. Depew converted her house (Chateau d’Annel) into an American hospital with 300 beds. It was the first hospital opened in France for Americans and their allies.
Minority: African American Soldiers in WWI. When World War 1 first surfaced in the United States, African Americans wanted to use it as a chance to gain respect of the other community members. Even though there were many black soldiers willing to serve in World War, they were still being turned away. When African Americans were admitted into the forces, they were very segregated and had minimal duties. For example black women, who were nurses, were unable to care for white men.
Event: Sinking of the Lusitania In February of 1915, Germany began sinking Allied ships using its U-boats, or submarines. The Lusitania was a British passenger ship that was sunk by one of Germany’s U-boats on May 7th, 1915. Nearly 1,200 people were killed from the sinking of this …show more content…

President Wilson’s main goal was to keep peace in this country. When Wilson ran for his second term as president, it is believed the reason he won was because he kept the nation out of war during his first term. Wilson attempted to use his influence to to end conflict in the warring countries, but in the end the United States did not remain neutral and entered the war. On January 8, 1918, he announced his Fourteen Points as the basis for a peace settlement. They were more than peace terms; they were terms for a better

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