
Why Do Cell Phones Be Allowed In School

Decent Essays

Do you think cellular phones should be allowed in schools? In my opinion I don't think that cellular phones should be allowed in schools. The first reason I do not think cellular phones should be allowed is because students will get distracted. Another reason is that students who do not have a phone are going to feel left out. Also I don't think cellular phones should be allowed because students use phones to cheat. Lastly some students will invade people's privacy by taking someones phone without their permission and looking inside of it. Students shouldn't have cell phones. I don't think any student should have the ability to be able to use cell phones in school because they can cause distractions. In one of the articles I read the author says “A couple ways cell phones may cause distractions is people can play games on the phone, watch videos, and make phone calls. Over 87% of people play games and watch videos during school hours.” “Other reasons people shouldn't be allowed to have cell phones in school is …show more content…

According to :// 73% of students have been caught cheating on a test with a cell phone. In my opinion having a cell phone in schools is having a abusive and a selfish person because when they have their cell phones they don't no what are they doing they are Only copying what they see in the Internet and in one point there are going to pay what they did and I know as a student that a parent will not like that for there kids . Students gain access to sophisticated gadgets both at school and at home, when the kids stay in there house alone dare do their homework or essay from the internet but they don't have a clue what they are doing educators are on the lookout for new kinds of cheating because a teacher can be mean and every but there always want their students to learn

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