
Why Do Different Sugars Have On Meringue?

Decent Essays

Do you love meringues but are diabetic? Some people aren’t able to eat specific sugars so they can’t enjoy simple desserts. I’ve been thinking about this, so I decided to do an experiment with this. What effect does different sugars have on meringues? Diabetic people can have some types of sugars, so they're allowed to use alternatives like Stevia instead in meringues. What exactly is a meringue? Meringues are normally a French dessert made of whipped egg whites and typically caster sugar. It also has a Swiss and Italian origin. A lot of patience is required to make these, as you have to whip the egg whites until the sugar dissolves and you have to bake them overnight. You can not rush making these. However, when you take a bite into the sweet, light dessert, it will have been worth it. Stevia is often used as a sugar substitute, but how is it different from sugar? As most people know, sugar has calories. To be exact, there is about 48 calories in a tablespoon. However, Stevia is harvested from the plant ‘stevia rebaudiana’. Stevia is 30 times sweeter than sugar in its refined form and in its raw state, it’s almost 300 times sweeter than sugar! Stevia also has health benefits, like lowering your blood pressure, and more. Nonetheless, too much Stevia can be bad for you. Diabetes is a huge problem as many people are affected by diabetes. …show more content…

Meringues are a French dessert made of whipped egg whites and sugar that consumes a lot of time, but are worth it in the end. Stevia is healthier alternative than sugar and is more healthy for people with diabetes to eat, and is used frequently as a sugar substitute in dessert. It is simpler and healthier for people with diabetes to eat Stevia, as sugar could raise their blood pressure. Stevia is probably going to work in meringue, as it doesn’t affect the outcome of cakes and such, but it’ll probably change the

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