
Why Guns Should Not Be Outlawed

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Guns have been used in a multitude of ways: wars won, as a way to eat/survive, and to keep our country remaining “The Land of the Free”. The debate of outlawing guns has been going on for a while and guns should not be outlawed. If guns became outlawed, there would be next to no source of protection in the home. Next, hunting: for food or sport would be utterly impossible; which would cause a change in lifestyle for many people. However, the outlawing of guns would have its perks; if guns were outlawed there would be more aluminum availability.
To begin, one of the biggest fears of people today is getting their house broken into, that fear can become reality very easily if guns became outlawed and there was no source of protection. With the …show more content…

Guns can be used for vast amounts: food and sport, banning guns would put a stop to all of that no matter how much it is needed. If guns became outlawed it would be extremely horrendous for people that rely primarily on hunting as a food source, peoples’ whole lives would be forced to change. Also many people treat hunting as if it is Christmas; without guns there would be no way possible to have that source of entertainment. Also, for people who are not strong enough to use alternative hunting methods, not using a gun would lessen their success rate. Although, the loss of hunting would be huge to mankind, it would be an even larger problem for the environment. The loss of hunting would amount in over population due to the imbalance of death rates compared to birth rates of the most hunted animals. The over-population would cause the plants to be eaten faster than they could be produced, which would not only cause animals to die of starvation, but would also destroy the animal habitats. The effects of this would be irreversible and would lead to mass animal extinction. On the other hand, if guns did become outlawed there would be an abundance of aluminum. Due to the fact that the main component in ammunition is aluminum, the decrease in ammunition production would allow less aluminum to be used. The aluminum industry workers would not be as pressured to find more aluminum due to the loss of their biggest aluminum consumer which, would amount in less workers. As a result, aluminum would be less expensive due to the reduction of needed workers along with the amount of excess aluminum. This would allow aluminum products like household utensils to be sold for lower

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