
Why I Am A Student At Bmcc And I Have An Interest Essay

Decent Essays

I’m a student at BMCC and I have an interest in Accounting. I graduate this semester with my Associates of Applied Science degree in Accounting. The reason why I’m in this field is because I always enjoyed numbers as a kid and accounting may be the best route to a successful business career because accounting has always been considered as the language and basic tool of business. I also feel the demand for accountants appears to be growing and exceeding job opportunities in today 's business economy. Accounting opens doors in every single kind of business all around the world. It can give me the establishment I need to go on and become a CPA. It also can prepare me to become a potential partner in an accounting firm, to follow a career in finance or corporate management, to maybe work in government, or even to become an entrepreneur when I choose to retire. I feel no matter what I decide to do in life, having an accounting background can open opportunities for me. I also would be giving the opportunity to meet a diverse range of backgrounds such as coworkers, cliental and mentors. My older brother graduated from Monroe College with his associates in accounting. He ended up having kids and never progressed further in his accounting career. Being aware inspired me to want to work harder to progress to accomplish my goals. My long term career goal is to be a CPA but in order for me to achieve that I must conquer my short term goals. My short term goals are to graduate from

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