
Why I Am A Writer

Decent Essays

Looking back on the last 8 weeks in this class, I have learned a lot about myself as a writer, and that I have a lot more to learn. Though I do not consider myself to be a writer, once we are placed in the student role and given an assignment that involves writing a paper, what you do or do not consider yourself does not matter. You are now a writer when placed in a role as a writer. This has been something that I have personally struggled with due to my decision to put myself in a student role, later than normal. Whether we accept our roles as writers or not, we must identify what type of writers we are so that we can identify our strengths and weaknesses, and how to approach them. As a writer, I consider myself to be scattered, but …show more content…

Many times, my attitude going in to schoolwork begins a negative spiral before I have even begun. Just the thought of having a large paper or assignment due brings me down. I am a busy individual just like many of us. I assume that improving my prioritizing skills inside the individual paper to complete it fast would be a great start. The use of “effect” and “affect” is something that I understand, but let confuse me on a regular basis. Also, I am still not sure whether I can use the word “it”, as if it is in possession, example such as “it’s”. Basically, my grammar has a lot of room to improve. However, I have seen some papers that made me wonder how that individual passed grade school English. My strength in writing seems to be that I have experiences, and things to write about. This assists me in finding a subject, identifying supportive evidence, and including my own ideas into the paper to create a validated, but opinionated paper. This is probably the only positive to waiting to earn your degree. Another strength would be my typing, since we are in an online class. My speed and ability to type is high if I can identify the subject and angles of approach. If I know what I want to say, typing it is a very small amount of drag on the time in which my paper will be completed. As you can see, not many strengths. This next question is difficult. If I were to give my completely honest answer that I turn on country/classic rock and get intoxicated to be able

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