
Why I Chose Oklahoma State University

Decent Essays

Since I can remember, math has always been easy and exciting to me. In high school, the only classes I looked forward to involved math – other than sports. Upon entering college at Eastern Oklahoma State College on an academic and cheerleading scholarship, I chose mathematics as my major. When I came to Oklahoma State University in 2011, I was extremely unsure of what I wanted to study. I started out in architectural engineering because I knew that I loved math and numbers, as well as drawing and designing things. After a semester or so, I realized that I didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would and didn’t think I could build a career with it. I pursued another direction and changed my major to applied mathematics. I still wasn’t happy with my decision but was unsure on what to do next. During my second year at Oklahoma State, I joined the Cowboy Baseball Diamond Dolls. After getting to know some of the girls, I learned that some of them were in the sports management program. They all …show more content…

I take pride in calling myself an alumnus and wearing orange on Fridays. When people asked me where I wanted to apply to graduate school, the answer was quick and undeniable – Oklahoma State University. I’ve had the opportunity to take courses taught by graduate school professors and they inspired me to further my education. The Cowboy family is the best family you could ask for when pursing your education. The main reason I chose Oklahoma State University’s MBA program is the recognition of being one of the top values in the U.S. Flexible formats of online learning, while still getting to interact with professors and other students, is what makes distance learning most appealing to me. This will allow me to broaden my horizons and expand my career potential as I work, gaining practical

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