
Why I Want To Pursue A Bachelor's Degree In Biomedical Science

Decent Essays

I am fascinated by the human body’s ability to meticulously control interactions of systems and pathways to build and sustain life. My interest in laboratory work enhances the appeal to do biomedical science, allowing me to further understand the fundamental principles of the body and its relationship with disease. I relish the challenges presented in this forever-evolving field of science.
Intrigued from learning about immunity in Biology, I read beyond the specification into the research of immunotherapy. There is excitement in the treatment of cancer as this August the FDA approved of CAR-T cell therapy to treat those with advanced leukaemia. The therapy involves genetically engineering the patient's T-cells to produce surface receptors specific to the antigens of cancer cells, allowing T-cells to identify and attack them. This confirmed that I should apply for this degree, as by understanding basic principles of the human body such as the …show more content…

I was surprised at how simple laboratory methods learnt at GCSE, such as growing a microbial culture using aseptic techniques, could be used to perform tests to identify pathogens and give a reliable diagnosis. This highlights how transferable the skills gained in this degree can be, making the transition to different branches of this science discipline easily possible.
My chosen A-level subjects have all largely influenced my decision to study biomedical science, equipping me with the necessary study skills and knowledge to help my transition on to the course. Biology has given me a solid foundation of necessary knowledge, whereas Chemistry has greatly improved my problem-solving skills, teaching me to break down complex questions into a simpler, more logical approach. In Psychology, learning about the ‘scientific method’ means I have the basis of producing valid and reliable reports, necessary for when I conduct my own research

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