
Why I Want To Pursue My Motivation

Decent Essays

Growing up in school everyone has their own motivation, it could be money, a car, or even just a good job from their parents.Everyone is going to have a motivation however, my motivation came from my dad. My dad always pushed me and motivated me through everything. Another person that has motivated me for years is my wrestling coach, Arthur Demerath. He has been my athletic motivation by believing in me and making sure I do my best in school and on the matt for the past three years.Another person that have motivated me was my Vet Science teacher at Monache, her name is Mrs.Spaulding. She knew I was a shy person and that I felt like not speaking my voice was okay. She helped me do a speaking competition that I ended up getting 2nd place in, she helped me believe that trying new things will pay off in the future.My mom on the other hand, did not like the fact I was a wrestler. She was always scared I would get injured, she would always try to convince me to wrestle anymore, she was hindering my motivation. However, she knew that wrestling was something I loved and enjoyed. To me this show it does not matter your situation you can always find something that motivates yourself in life.
My experience connects to the short article Brainology By: Carol S. Dweck which talks about the …show more content…

I feel like that is a big strengths for me and has helped me as students so I know where everything is when I need it when the time comes.Even though I was very organized one of my weakness growing up was I was a shy person. I hated speaking in public, I felt like I was better off not talking to anyone. That started to change when I got into highschool I started coming out of my shell and opening up more. I knew that over time I would have to become social some day I was glad in highschool I

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