
Why Is Academic Integrity Important

Satisfactory Essays

Academic integrity is doing your own work right without the wrongful help of others, and not turning in dishonest work. It is important to have academic integrity in all of your classes you will be enrolled in throughout your college career, also is important to have integrity in everything you do throughout your life.
Academic integrity is important in a lot of ways. It would be easier to cheat but in the long run you are losing out on a lot of knowledge that you could be gaining by not having academic integrity. It would be a waste of money for me to come to college and just be cheating on all the test and assignments rather than actually taking the time to learn all the material for future classes. If I were to be cheating and not actually learning in my prerequisite classes, then when I get into my professional courses I would be behind because I wouldn’t have learned the necessary fundamentals that needed to be learned in prior classes.
I believe it is important to maintain academic integrity because you are really just cheating yourself, and you would have large portion of the class not learning anything if everyone was cheating off each other, so they would proceed to go …show more content…

I think something that should obviously be considered crossing the line over into academic integrity would be stealing someone’s words, word for word, and not giving them any credit. Something else that should be academic dishonesty would be having the work of prior students from a previous semester and having their work that you didn’t do, and just turning that in. Something that shouldn’t be considered as academic dishonesty would be working together with classmates on homework. I also believe that if you are looking at another students paper just for an idea or example of what it should generally look like, that is still having academic integrity and shouldn’t be considered as

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