
Why Is Animal Testing Unethical

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Animal Testing Cancer Animal testing, is it ethical? Does it hurt the animals? Do they die from it? These are all questions you may ask about animal testing. All those questions could go different ways. Some people may think it is ethical, and some may think it is unethical. Does it hurt them, is another one where it could go both ways. Sometimes it depends on the kind of test they do on them it may even kill them. But sometimes it could also be harmless, like when they test the effects of cosmetics on their skin. What I will be focusing on is the effect of animal testing for cancer research. Some people may say it is a terrible thing because the animals usually die from it. But I personally think that it is a great thing because …show more content…

Most of the time the animals father leaves and they never seethe father. But it really depends on the type of animal and if we would test on those kinds of animals I think maybe we can turn some people’s opinions around. Some of the most frequently used animals are rats and mice. They both reproduce like mad. Cancer is a very complex disease and research geared towards learning more about its origin, progression, and treatment is intense and always changing. Medical researchers use animals to study cancer for many reasons. Animals have shorter lifespan and more rapid generation times compared to humans, and disease progression moves forward at a more rapid pace, so results of studies using animals as models are obtained …show more content…

New cancer drugs account for 50-60 percent of the gains we have made in cancer survival rates since 1975. Until recently, surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy were the dominant treatments for cancer. But now, thanks to animal-based research, there is a new molecular and genetic understanding of tumor biology, leading to treatments that set out to more directly kill cancer cells, which are molecularly different from normal cells. Use of this knowledge to design drugs that focus on those abnormalities is called rational drug design, and is seen by many as the currently emerging future reality of cancer treatment of "kinder and gentler" cancer therapies that only target abnormal cells. Cancer is no joke and without animal testing we would still be dying from cancer more than we are surviving it and beating it. There are many different types of animal testing when it comes to cancer. There are four different types, animals that develop cancer spontaneously, without any alteration of their genes or the exposure of cancer by chemical treatments, animals who are genetically altered so

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