
Why Is It Ethical To Break An Employment Contract?

Decent Essays

When many companies hire individuals they offer contracts that have certain terms to work under. An employment contract is a contractual relationship between an employer and an individual employee or organization. Therefore, when signing a contract there are certain situations that allows a person to break his or her contract before their contract ends. For example, my wife is a Middle School Teacher and each year she has to sign a contract. However, she is able to break her contract if she has to move due to military orders or even if she finds a job that promotes her position allowing her to better her life. So, my question for the newspaper columnist is what the terms under which the contract was signed were.
In this scenario the newspaper …show more content…

So, when the newspaper columnist broke the contract she did not act immorally because she is providing a better life when taking a job opportunity that pays more. When the court has to determine whether it was stated on the contract that the columnist was locked in until the term were fulfilled under which she would be ethically wrong to break that contract. If an employee willingly breaks the terms of their contract it is unethical based on the terms of the contract.
St. Augustine probably would have reminded the newspaper columnist that for every action good or bad there are good or bad consequences. So, just because the job pays more is this the right thing to do break your contract? However, Aquinas would have allowed the newspaper columnist to break their contract because he believes that stepping out on faith will help guide people to the correct path. Therefore, the newspaper columnist must have faith and trust and know that the path taken will be …show more content…

Therefore, the office workers does not show good work ethics. For one the office worker is not reliable due to the unexcused absences that he or she has. This shows the employer that he or she is not dedicated to the job or being cooperative towards the staff or fellow workers. This causes the co-workers to cover responsibilities of that person and theirs. So, this can put a strain on the company.
Plus, unexcused absences at work can waste time and money for businesses. Even though the clerk used sick leave, and vacation time still shows that the office worker is not concerned about the job nor others on the job. However, when the office clerk took all these days we have to think about the working conditions. Is the job to stressful? Are the employers being fair? Therefore, there are many parameters that can be examined to why the office worker miss numerous amounts of

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