The idea of population control is one that ignites people to talk about and explore. Some countries have implemented population control for quite some time now. There are many attributes that go against the argument, but there are also some potential positives that could come from it. No matter what religion or background people come from, each person has their own view on if population control is right or wrong. Many people choose to see certain positives over the negatives while others look at things the other way around. One of biggest and controversial topics within population control is issues of the environment.
The environmental gain of population control shows that there are many positives to this regulation. With an ever increasing population, scientists are not sure that the earth can provide for the growing population. Humanity has been the sole reason for air pollution and population control is a way to curb that. Because having clean air is one of the basic demands of human health and prosper, having clean air for generations to come is
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If population control were put into place it would limit the diversity and essentially shrink the gene pool. If any population were to be control, the lack of diversity would a main issue of debate. Diversity matters because it means that we value the difference in everyone around us, and not just one type of person. Population control would take that and completely abolish and tell people which kind of person is the right kind of person. Diversity is also a good thing because it gives people a chance to experience different attributes of each other, and broaden their norms. Diversity gives us the opportunity to learn from people who view things differently and population control would suppress that. Diversity teaches us to respect one another and to learn from one another, population control teaches us the
Population Growth is an issue that exists in today’s world that needs to be confronted before it becomes out of hand. The population itself has reached overwhelming numbers making it a problem that could turn to be dangerous. The amount of humans that the earth can support or the carrying capacity is slowly rising but at a much slower rate than the population growth rate. The increasing growth rate has its negative effects environmentally, agriculturally, socially, and economically and also has its positive effects nationally, and economically. The government is brainstorming and trying to come up with ways to decrease
Have you ever wondered what the answer to world problems is? World population control is one option, but it is not a good one. Some say that it would help improve life, and would help bring balance to the world. However, I believe that population control would not truly help anyone. World population control is not the answer to world problems, for it would take away human life, the right to have kids, and in the long run would not help any living thing.
It controls population growth with the goal to lower population to a stable number. Alexandra Paul stated that “One of the advantages of having only a child in the family is the opportunity given to the newborn of having a comfortable life. This is because all the attention, love and financial resources of the parents will be enjoyed by the child.” iii. Analysis: Having population control children would live a better life due to the love they get.
In the reading 2BR02B by Kurt Vonnegut, it summarizes that in the United States of America, there were 40 million souls. The amount of people caused the amount of drinking water to increase and for there to be nothing else to eat than seaweed. In order for this problem to be solved, the scientist made a new law that for every new child that is born, in order for that child to survive, the parents have to find a person who would volunteer to die so that the child would take his/ her´s place, This new law was established because of population control, but is it really helping the world in a good or bad way? According to 2BR0RB by Kurt Vonnegut, it states, ¨The law said that that no newborn child could survive unless the parents of the child
Garrett Hardin, talks about population control, which is a big situation in many cases. He asks many questions, if it is morally right to change the way, society works. He talks about mostly about breeding rights. He questions, if those who over breeding are pushing their community to extinction. If a population over populates, the more demand they need for shelter, food and money. Which in some essentials, cannot work because of the area they are in. The more populated the more will starve and die. It is great to have more people in the world, but to put people at risk isn’t a question. Therefore, there must be control to keep issues from going out of hand.
Population management is dependent upon the carrying capacity of a population. The carrying capacity of a population is described as the maximum population size of a species that the environment can sustain given all necessary items such as food, water and habitat are available. Genetic diversity is a key value when discussing population management as the more diverse a population is, the more resistant that species will be to environmental changes and disease. Over population, exceeding that population’s carrying capacity can cause starvation, loss of habitat and death. Controlling food sources and other natural resources can help control a population’s numbers; which further increases the opportunity for genetic diversity among healthy species. Another way to control invasive species, mostly plant species, is via controlled fires; alternatively the reintroduction of natural predators also controls populations. As with everything in life, we can have ‘too much’ – finding the happy medium in the points above is key to successful population management. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission has a very detailed population
In order for the Earth to sustain human life, the population needs to be controlled. There
Imagine if humans were not allowed to have babies. This is what people in the story “The Giver” go through but do not even know it! In their life they have a laborer that delivers the babies and the people in the community (basically a suburb) have to sign up to parent a baby. What if people could not feel love. Population control involves things like abortion and adoption and how both can be cruel things but other times not. Places like china enforce it for food reasons and climate reasons. However, humans should be able to have as many children as they would like all around the world.
This issue, for all intents and purposes, can be analyzed through an understanding of the Tragedy of the Commons, a paper by Garrett Hardin exploring the relationship between the self-interest of individuals versus the best interest of the group. Hardin maintains that population must be curbed for a group and the environment they live in to survive. This is essentially the logic that Population Watch uses, which may be sound in its science, but deeply flawed in its social application. Hardin and Population Watch
Although thought to be “not a big problem” and “under control” by most people, pollution is making its way in being a serious and an unforgiving threat to society. Pollution a topic everyone hears and knows exists. What they don’t know is how serious of a problem it is already becoming. Many health issues are being reported now that are linked to air pollution and even the most severe weather places have encountered are linked to air pollution also. By society, not fully being aware of the true threat that pollution is making, it will only become a growing threat that they will be encountering.
Since the Roe v Wade case in 1973, there has been a lot of different arguments and opinions towards abortion and its policy to enable it. One of its main purposes was to prevent a huge increase in population in places that the population is uncontrollable. In my opinion, population control is very important. There should be a way to stop overpopulation as many problems may arise. For example, the increased amount of population in China has led to big problems with pollution and contamination.
Speaking logically we should control the earth's population, but speaking in an emotionally friendly way we should not control it. Over 200 people died in Italy's recent earthquake which reached the magnitude of 6.2. With a density of 203 people per square kilometer, and Italy being the 23rd most populated country, Italy has pretty good population level, the reason why it is a bit overpopulated is because of the illegal immigrants
Population control is at its highest demand in all of history. We have a growing population and limited resources. Droughts, oil shortage, artificial food to keep up are just a few to name. Scientist debate whether we will be able to civilize onto another planet in our future. While moving to a new planet is a great idea, I think it’s a better idea to control the growth of civilization and the consumption of our resources on our own planet first. Besides, who needs seven kids in their family anyway? Why do we need to keep people who have lost all quality of life alive, while they continue to use up resources?
The World Bank says that overpopulation is the main inhibitor of development, because governments do not have the capital necessary to provide for large populations of people and work on capitalistic economic growth. This
Pain comes on a spectrum. Pain can be a piercing pain, like a needle piercing the skin. Pain can be throbbing waves of delirium that come from getting hit in the head. Pain can be an internal stimulus that inhibits thoughts of bliss. Hunger is the pain or uneasy sensation caused by the want of food, and affects a large amount of people worldwide. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization estimates about 795 million people of the 7.3 billion people in the world suffer from chronic malnourishment in a 2014-2016 study (, 2016). The ability for humans to grow exponentially on a limited amount of land is dangerous, for eventually the amount of resources available will not be succinct enough to allow everyone to live. This leads to the question on whether population control should be enacted to prevent such an event. But with the world’s population projected to reach 10.1 billion people by the year 2100, it is evident that some change must occur. (Becker, 2011). Actions have been taken by the biochemical community to better understand human nutritional needs and revolutionized how crops are grown.