Imagine being slouched over a test booklet thinking,”A,B,C or D, which one is it?” Who wants to go through that? Standardized tests are not necessary for student to take. They stress out some people, testing takes to long to complete, and the results take too long to return.
To begin with, tests stress out some people. Teachers feel they need to teach students everything on the test, so they are rushed to do so. Also kids become self-conscious and nervous when taking the test because they feel like they will fail. Others may claim that it depends on the person, and it is worth it because most everyone does okay in the end, but they don’t know they will do well, so it worries them. In the end testing can be stressful for not just students, but everyone involved.
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It takes twenty to twenty-five hours to complete. Another reason it takes too long is it normally overlaps. Although others may say it teaches patience and that the amount of time they are taking proves they are taking their time, but who has the patience for hours of tests a day? For the reasons listed above, testing, overall, takes up too much time.
Consequently, the results take too long to return. For some, it takes up to four months for the results to return. Also some teachers started a new school year without knowing a kid was struggling. Critics may state that it is hard to grade seven billion tests and get them back on time, but if it takes too long they should cut down on the tests, so they wouldn’t have to grade as many. As a result, many results take too long to return.
Finally, students should not take standardized tests. They stress out some people, they take too long to complete, and the results take too long to return. If students didn’t have to take standardized tests, then the future would look a lot less stressful and time
Students should not take standardized tests. They cause frustration and stress; also schools are devoted to passing them and spend most of the year
We shouldn’t have to take standardized tests because they don’t provide any feedback on how to perform better. The tests treat everyone who takes them feel identical, they don’t make you feel different. These tests make create a huge amount of stress on teachers and students. Most test takers can handle certain levels of stress but others can’t handle any amount. There should be other options that schools and colleges could use or get rid of the tests all
Don’t all students hate standardized tests. They waste lots of time and don’t influence your grade so then what’s the point of them. I think that students shouldn’t take standardized tests. First of all students take the test in May and don’t get the results until September so the test doesn’t do much. Lots of teachers also only teach to the test meaning they only prepare them to pass the test. Students might know the content but because of test anxiety they might not be able to show it on the test.
These tests tend to cause the student’s too much stress and puts pressure on them to obtain a certain score on these test that are required on a yearly basis. Teachers also set aside too much time to teach strategies for taking the test and lecturing on how to eliminate some choices. According to Kathy Frandle this is “A huge waste of instruction time” (Fridy). Furthermore, the unneeded stress generally leads to a state of anxiety and it is “setting too many of them up for devastating failure and, consequently, lowered self esteem (Perrone).
Standardized tests should not be required because of all the time preparing for it, could just be spent on teaching more on what the grade level requires. Students begin to receive extra help when it comes to the time preparing for these test, it just starts to get them unhappy and dislike school. Standardized tests should not be required because it an extra item in school that requires more time to be prepared for and does not relate to the school, so teachers are not permitted to help a student in need.
Would you like to take a test that is unfair, expensive, and unreliable? Chances are you already have. Standardized testing in schools is not only bad for the students, but also bad for our country’s future. Some might think standardized testing is a good thing, because it is the only way to measure all students the same across the country. However, this thought is wrong for many reasons.
These tests have held back too many students based on their performance on them. Numbers have shown that nearly one-third of all fourth and eighth-grade students in another state may be held back this following year. These numbers that the students get for taking these high-stakes shouldn’t determine if a student passes a grade. It shouldn’t have the power to do that because teachers across the country have voiced their opinion saying, “These standardized tests take away from meaningful learning time for the students.” The time that is spent on the students taking these test has taken crucial learning opportunities away from them.
Standardized tests are a waste of time and money. Have you ever sat in a classroom for hours on end stressed until everyone in the school is done taking a test? If you said yes you have probably taken a standardized test. Students shouldn't have to take standardized tests anymore for the following reasons. Standardized test are very expensive and you would also have to pay for the prep. They are also unreliable and are not a good source for the administration and school. Lastly they cause a ton of stress on students, teachers, and the school.
Schools should eliminate standardized tests. Standardized testing has many negative effects on the student body. Some of these effects are very noticeable and apparent, and some are not. Standardized testing causes negative things such as stress and anxiety(Too Much Stress). Testing like this is also not reliable 100% of the time(Standardized Tests Don’t Prove Anything). Tests also limit the imagination, creativity, and the way a student learns(11 Problems With Testing).
Standardized tests inhibit the ability for students to perform well on stress inducing tests; thus, students question their abilities to succeed, and they lack engagement in their educational learning. Standardized tests produce the feeling of anxiety as heart beats accelerate, bodies’ tremble, faces flush, sweat pores open, hands grip tighter, and muscles tense. As the test dates come closer, students are
Currently, standardized tests do not improve the education of students in America. Standardized testing is not an accurate measure of student’s knowledge because they are designed to test an extremely broad amount of students who do not have the same educational background. This makes it incredibly difficult to test students across the world on the same level and expect their scores to reflect their education. Standardized testing, by definition, is any test containing the same questions that is administered to a vast group of people for the purpose of comparing different student’s test scores. This issue is important because it affects the entire academic community, positively and negatively. Therefore, all teachers, students, school staff, and test administrators have some involvement with standardized testing. The vast majority of people in America have taken a standardized test sometime in their life, which makes these tests vital in the
It takes up time. many students take up 20-25 hours on a single standardized test! The reason why is because that it takes so long to just get one done,
They do not show where a student is at in a subject and they are time consuming, there is other subjects for students to focus on and not the ones that mean nothing and that they only need to learn to graduate. They need to study all the things that they will need after the graduate and go into the real world. Taking away standardized tests will help the students focus on stuff they need for after high school and not have to worry about if they are going to graduate. It will cause less stress on the students and
Standardized testing is not an effective way to test the skills and abilities of today’s students. Standardized tests do not reveal what a student actually understands and learns, but instead only prove how well a student can do on a generic test. Schools have an obligation to prepare students for life, and with the power standardized tests have today, students are being cheated out of a proper, valuable education and forced to prepare and improve their test skills. Too much time, energy, and pressure to succeed are being devoted to standardized tests. Standardized testing, as it is being used presently, is a flawed way of testing the skills of today’s students.
Standardized testing is a down fall to many students but also an opportunity for many others. Standardized testing has its pros and its cons. It can be the make it or break it factor into getting into colleges you are hoping to attend or the scholarships you want to earn. Some people may have their opinions about the test, whether they hate it or not but the fact is that it’s here to stay.