
Why Is The Auschwitz Death Camp Essay

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The Auschwitz Death Camp was a construction that lasted three whole years. A maximum amount of effort was put into Auschwitz all so that the Jews could be exterminated.Auschwitz may have only lasted for five years, but in the time it was there, thousands of Jews were killed.Although Auschwitz was a thing of beauty for the Nazis, is was a sign of death for the Jews.These examples will show how Auschwitz was a terror for the Jewish people around the world.
Many people were involved in Auschwitz, both Nazis and Jews. Over 1.1 million people were murdered at Auschwitz, “most Jews came from Hungary, 426,000 in total”(Auschwitz USHMM). Although Auschwitz was big it was headed by one person, “Sturmbannführer Karl Bischoff”(Architecture of Murder). Auschwitz was a big place and needed a lot of planning. There were many people making construction plans, but “the Blueprint office was headed by Hauptscharführer Wichmann, who was responsible for collecting and making some plans”(Architecture of Murder). There were three commanders of Auschwitz. “The most famous commander was Colonel Rudolf Höss”(Auschwitz USHMM). …show more content…

The construction of Birkenau began in October 1941. The Nazi empire was growing rapidly in the 1940’s, but “the Nazis developed when they invaded the Soviet Union”(Architecture of Murder). Auschwitz was made first to be a prisoner of war camp, until It received its first prisoners. The Nazis realized that they had to kill the prisoners, and should send Jews as well. “The first gas experiments were taken in the fall of 1941”(Architecture of Murder). Since there was a vast amount of prisoners, they decided to put them to work. “At least 1.3 million people, Jews and prisoners, were deported to Auschwitz between 1940 to 1945”(Auschwitz

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