
Why My Administration Skills Become A Solid Foundation

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expanding on each opportunity. My administration skills became more valuable to the organization as new hires were assigned to me with the aim of establishing a solid foundation. As I developed my business relationships, it was now time to seek a more specialized field of banking.
During my search for personal growth and development, I was fortunate enough to be solicited by a member of the HR division of Regions Bank. They were seeking a relationship manager to establish a portfolio of business clients. After a few meetings, and negotiating, I was offered the position as a Business Banker Associate. I welcomed this opportunity to specialize in an area that had caught my attention for some time. This position required effective …show more content…

I directed, established and controlled the referral process to meet the demands of the bank. I remained accessible to the staff which allowed them to exceed their referral goals set by the organization. One of the main skillsets I taught was that of engaging with customers and actively listening to uncover their needs. Over time, I fostered solid relationships with teammates, business partners, and other centers of influence. During my time at Regions Bank I represented the bank by becoming an active member of several community organizations. Some of them included, West Kendall business association, Chamber South, and Business Network International. These organizations allowed me to form alliances with other professionals and develop a successful referral system. Added to that, I was involved by representing the bank at many of the networking expositions at the time; manning the booths at the Expos, thereby increasing the banks visibility. Also, my public speaking skills grew as I articulated on behalf of the organization at every breakfast networking event. In 2003 more opportunities came knocking, this time at a smaller institution, but greater specialization.
In 2003 I joined First Bank Florida as VP Business Banking Relationship Manager. I developed an action plan that comprised the following: (a) An initial plan, (b) 30-day plan, and (c) 60-day plan. This

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