
Why Nursing Theories Are Organized Concepts That Guide Nursing Practice

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Importance of Theory Nursing theories are organized concepts that guide nursing practice. They are a set of concepts, definitions, relationships, and assumptions with standards borrowed from other related disciplines for the purpose of explaining, and predicting outcomes (Allgood, 2010). In the late 1800s, the nursing profession placed a major emphasis on education. This inspired the development of some of our earliest nursing theorists (CCN, 2015). Many theorists felt it prudent to describe nursing practice by creating nursing guidelines as a foundation for best practice clinical decision making. In the past, the majority of nursing curriculum was medically based and taught by physicians. Nurses were introduced to physiology, anatomy and pathophysiology that allowed accreditation with academic standing (Alligood, 2010). Nursing theory came into being out of the necessity to define what should form the bases of practice by explicitly describing nursing. Nursing theory created a foundation for better patient care, gave accreditation to schools of nursing through research, and established professional nursing boundaries, by highlighting nursing as an evolving profession. These theorists continue to be used today to help guide nursing practice, which has grown into a dynamic modern day system. The concept of caring is not new to the profession of nursing. Most nurses will attest the reason they came into the profession is because they had a deep sense to care for

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