
Why Psychology Is Important To Me

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After working on the low and high ropes I found out many things about myself. Before the course I had known that I was afraid of heights but I didn’t realize how much until I actually saw the course in front of me. That was when I decided to help belay than be a climber. I cheered many friends on from below. This might not have helped with my fear but it helped with my communication skills. I learned how to encourage people better and also learned how to say the right things to help people conquer their fears, even if I couldn’t conquer my own. After many attempts to get myself to go on the course, my fear was to great and ended up not doing it. But then when we got to the low ropes I figured I would challenge myself. The high ropes were pretty tall, but the wall didn’t seem so bad. As I got on the harness, I have to be honest, I was a bit nervous. But then I just told myself everyone else can do it so what’s the difference between them and me. It’s not like half the people in my class have special wall climbing skills. And after that I did the climb. And with the help of my peers I …show more content…

For others it may seem like a small feat, but for me it was a big step. And I’m really glad I took it. I don’t really think trust was the underlying issue for my fear. For me personally I’ll hear something on the news or online about some random accident that was just spontaneous. It doesn’t matter what it is. It could be a roller coaster breaking or just something entirely random. The second I saw the high ropes course all I could do was apply that freak accident to me going up in the trees. Even though logically it seemed 100% safe, all I could think was anything could happen. I do this every day, too. Any challenge that I’m faced with, I always think of the worst case scenario. So for the ropes course I did the same thing. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust the people I was with, I just didn’t really trust myself to not

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