Harry Potter, a beloved book bursting with enchantment, mystery, and imaginative writing, was seen as a book that promoted witchcraft and anti-Christian themes. The series is banned by some religious groups and schools. In Marcia Amidon Lusted’s Banned Books, she describes the prohibition of the book, writing, “Some religious groups feel that these books steer children away from God and the church.” Should books be banned and ostracized for themes that people can enjoy and learn from? Banned books should be shown to children to educate them about censorship and themes that are seen as inappropriate to certain demographics, but conversely, some may think these topics are unsuitable to be observed by young people. If these themes are explained to children, it could inform them about the viewpoint of groups who believe in censoring, and grant them an awareness of a story that may benefit them before they read. Therefore, books that are banned should be shown to students to increase their awareness of censorship; they can teach kids about literature, and why some themes in books are seen as inappropriate.
Some may believe books such as Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer should never be taught to students. However, a teen’s article
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Conversely, Nora Wise, a teacher from Woodbury High School says the N-word out loud. She says, "It makes sense in this novel to teach it with the controversy. It makes sense to bring up all of the hard emotions. They come with it. It's not just a classic book. It's not just the way the words are written, it's the ideas.” Three eleventh graders named Melvin Efesoa, Joseph Jaurdio and Ryan Farrell feel the word is used to grab the attention of readers; the word is used to make the reader experience the reality of racism and American
From the very beginnings of literature, the act of banning books has long been a heated controversy. While almost everyone can say that there are definitely books that they do not want their children reading, the line between what is acceptable and what is not is much harder to define, especially in today’s world. In “How Banning Books Marginalizes Children” (2016), Paul Ringel argues that the current policy of banning books has had a negative impact on children because it has conveyed a message that rebuffs diversity and has contradicted the fact that the power to ban books should be used to “curate children’s choices with the goals of inspiring rather than obscuring new ideas.”
Many books around the world have been banned because they are offensive. One example is Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, a novel about the journey of a thirteen-year-old boy named Huck, who fabricates his own death to run away with an escaped slave named Jim. The two voyage in a raft along the Mississippi River to gain their individual freedom. In addition, Huck gains a new understanding about humanity. Huck Finn has been creating great controversy on both sides of the argument: to ban or to keep in the school curriculum. Currently “much debate has surrounded Mark Twain’s Huck Finn since its publication in 1885, but none has been more pervasive, explosive, and divisive than that surrounding the issue on race”
J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, which have reached worldwide popularity have an effect on children has not been matched by any other book. The novels have encouraged children to read for entertainment instead of turning to television or video games. When a piece of literature inspires children as the Harry Potter novels do, limiting a child’s access to the novels seems ridiculous. Unfortunately, this is what is happening with Harry Potter. The books are challenged and banned in schools and libraries all over the world because parents contend that the content is unsuitable. The content, which revolves around a world full of wizardry and witchcraft, has some parents actively
There is never a time to ban books. Censoring books should never happen. People will miss out on many books if any books is banned. Banning books should never happen because too many people won’t learn from them and books are meant to be read not banned.
“Now somewhere in America, there is a child holding a copy of "Catcher in the Rye" and there is a child holding a gun But only one of these things have been banned by their state government And it's not the one that can rip through flesh It's the one that says "f you" on more pages than one Because we must control what the people say, and how they think and if they want to become the overseer of their own selves, then we'll show them a real one. And somewhere in America, there's a child sitting at his mother's computer, reading the homepage of the KKK's website, and that's open to the public but that child will never have read "To Kill a Mockingbird" because the school has banned it for it's use of the "N"
“A reader lives a thousands lives before he dies.” George R.R. Martin. Books have been around for centuries and all different types, written by all different types of people. But what is so powerful about books? Books for me and many other people are used for an escape from reality, they somehow make us realize that we're not alone in the world. How? By the story, some stories and books are relatable. Such as The Perks of Being a Wallflower, which is a book that I connected with greatly. But what is so powerful about banning books?
Should individuals, organizations, and governments censure books? Banning books is a common practice around the world. Books, such as those in the Harry Potter sires and The Diary of Anne Frank were banned or challenged for reasons like promoting witchcraft or being “too depressing”. I want to apply the four-way test to this action. Is it the truth?
People are thinking to ban books which I think is really bad. Everywhere and everyday people are saying that some books need to be banned because some use the “n” liberally word in a different meaning and if you erase the book well you are kind of erasing history.
People are self driven, but blinded by their thoughts. It was with this fact that the apocalyptic events of Fahrenheit 415 began to take place. Censorship is a theme that is very prevalent in the novel, and there are many different ways that it is expressed, but the central aspect of the novel that best illustrates this theme is the burning of books.
Books play an important role in the everyday education of students around the U.S. The Banning and challenging of books in certain states is very popular. People have their reasons as to why they choose to challenge them. Most reason have been because of sexual contents the book have, or that they go against a certain religious group. Books are what help people understand more about the subject. They tell obviously a story, but also the lives of others in a more entertaining way you might say. Parents don't take into consideration that, the moment a book is banned they're taking their child a privilege of learning more about a certain event. Not only are they disrupting their own child's education but taking other students privileges as well. In kurt vonnegut's case, the banning of book has been a constant issue since most of his books are considered “anti-christian” and unappropriate for students. One of the most famous banned books of his is Slaughterhouse-five. Causing major polemic on college
How would you feel if your favorite classic book was being banned from every library, bookstore, and it was even illegal to even read it? Hundreds of books every year get complaints sent to the Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF). Books that are classics, or any books for that matter, should not have to be banned because someone’s personal opinion when they are examples of our freedom.
One of the worst injustices done in the classroom is the censorship of novels, especially teen novels. Amongst the censored and banned books lay: The Catcher in the Rye, The Scarlet Letter, Huckleberry Finn, Harry Potter, The Diary of Anne Frank, Animal Farm, To Kill a Mockingbird, and The Grapes of Wrath. In high school
Hundreds of books are challenged every year around the United States. A tenth of these are actually censored from many people. Books should not be banned because everyone has the right to read what they want. Parents often monitor their children’s reading, therefore the books do not need to be completely taken away. An example of a book that should not be banned is The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger. Even though The Catcher in the Rye is constantly being challenged for vulgar language and moral issues, it should not be banned, because despite these objections, this book has many life lessons and new perspectives to offer.
Anyone who has worked with children will agree that they are very impressionable. Even young adults are influenced by the media, literature, peers, money, and paradigms which is why parents and guardians would also agree that any impressionable source their children come in contact with should include desirable, good-natured content, such as life lessons and morals. In the past two decades, Harry Potter, a famous work of J.K. Rowling, has become increasingly popular and well known, but sensations also come with reproaches from strong willed adults that claim simple fictional details are consuming and corrupting their children. Parents and guardians believe that Harry Potter should be banned from use in schools and libraries, but they don’t
“Adolescents’ choices in literature can make teachers cringe. However, instead of censoring texts, the focus should shift to students’ ability to read beyond “inappropriate.” (Denzin, 1). Censorship has become a big problem in society today especially in schools using trigger warnings because it is limiting students of their overall learning. Society is banning “questionable” content because it may offend a student 's morals or beliefs, but in the real world it is something that students need to learn and understand. As time goes on censorship is damaging the younger generations by banning information that is important for them to know.