Joe Thomas has always been one of the smartest in the class he always was the first one done with all the subjects like math, reading and social studies. Tell one day he got his first cell phone he was so excited he could stay off of it. When the teacher was giving instructions he was always in the back of the room looking in his lap playing on his phone he fell apart that taught Joe. Although schools want to extinct cell phones from schools research proves that cell phones make learning a better environment.
Phones are another school supply in kids backpack these days phones are good and negative for kids some good causes should always be able to have their phone on them at all times whether it's in there pocket or backpack in
Phones should be able out at Glenpool Middle School. Because you never know if there's an emergency at home and your little brother only knows you´re phone number and you don't pick up because you're not allowed to have your phone out. And that's the thing kids should atleast be able to have it in their pocket with the vibrator on. And teacher blab and blab about it's a distraction but it's not. Cell phones are perfectly fine and good to use when needed at school.
Although phones help with the learning process they are used a social status. Most kids have cell phones, and for those of which don’t, the ones who do share. They can be used to record group discussions and it gives us a chance to be more independent(Doc #3). On the other hand they are used as a status symbol. Jesse Scaccia says, “when their phones ring while the teacher is talking everyone laughs”(Doc
“Cell phones are owned by 91% of American adults, and now they’re becoming a disruption” (Ballaro et al). Cell phones are now trying to get their way around schools. There is some controversy between school officials and children about bringing their phone to school or not. Parents are also a part of the debate. School officials are even becoming a little peevish when students have them out during class. No one has ever thought that this would have become a big issue with schools around the world. Schools have mandated a ban for no cell phones. Using cell phones now has brought on many more disadvantages than advantages. It’s superfluous that children should have cell phones in school. Children can take pictures when they’re not supposed to, can distract kids while they’re learning or from learning, and can make the school unsafe for everyone when there is an emergency while using cell phones in school.
Are you always on your phone? Either Snapchatting, on Instagram, scrolling through your twitter feed? It can be pretty temping to pick up your phone and do this stuff in class but you can use them in good ways in school. George Washington Middle School currently has cell phones banned in class. Although most teachers think that cell phones are a distraction, cell phones should be allowed in class because students feel anxious without their phones, there are many educational uses, and allowing phones is more convenient.
Most schools do not allow the use of cell phones in school or in class, so the school feels like changing their policy of cell phone use might be a bad idea. Students could take advantage or miss use the privilege of phones in class. There will always be students who act out in class, but the school must discipline those who do and reward those who do not.
Kids shoud have phones at school for several reasons. They can help kids at school with several things too
Do you want kids to post pictures of teachers online? Do you want kids to text their mom to come get them? Do you want kids to take their phones to the bathroom? The answer is no. Phones should not be allowed in 10th period because of social media, taking advantage of using it anywhere , and texting.
Letting kids have phones in school would be great, here is a few reasons why. When you go to school and you have an emergency you can use your phone. Also, teachers can use it for assignments and it will be faster. If you don't let students use them they will be at a disadvantage. Schools should let students use phones because, they can look up facts quicker and easier, save schools a lot of money, and teachers can use it for academics. Letting kids have phones will improve kids everyday life at school.
However, cell phone use within schools can help bring out some of the positive impacts cell phones have created in our lives.
Schools should allow students to have their phones out in school.In case they need to contact their parents in a state of an emergency like a lock down or a threat to the school so they contact their parents so their parents know what's going ( reason is If the students are too shy to tell their school nurse they had an accident, I would be easier for the student to call their parents for what they need so they won't be embarrassed. To call or text their parents if their practice is cancelled or if they have to stay after to school to finish a test. You see there are so many opportunities students would need to contact their parents during school hours you can’t always use the office to call home.
“Who has their phone on!?” As students, we are tired of hearing that over and over again. But my question is why can’t we use our phones in school? We need them in school; for emergencies, so we can have books, and to make things neater. We should be able to use our phones.
We should not have phones in school. Did you know that there are more than about 7,919,900 phones in the u.s.
Many students have used their cell phones to share answers to tests and quizzes, and to report inaccurate and offensive information about other students and their school. Cell phones can be distractions in the school environment, evading classroom time and reducing student’s academic success.
Many teachers believe that cell phones don’t belong in a classroom because there are several disadvantages. An example maybe a student who uses a cell phone in class has no intension in listening or paying attention to the teacher. This student has a short attention span who cares about socializing more than his/her education. Cell phones can be very disruptive; they can invade people’s privacy and can also be used as harassment or bullying. The usage of cell phones is creating a huge problem particularly when they are used in school.
Cell phones can be such a big distraction that it can take away from kids education.