
Why Time Management Is Important Factors For Having A Successful College Experience

Decent Essays

To me, time management is one of the most important factors in having a successful college experience. The preceding sentence is an example of an epigraph. According to Merriam-Webster, and epigraph is “a quotation set at the beginning of a literary work or one of its divisions to suggest its theme”. On page 119, Rebekah Nathan uses an epigraph that is very meaningful to me; “A common way to regulate workload is simply to restrict the amount of time and effort one spends on a course by doing no more than is necessary.” Working while taking college courses is extremely stressful so having great time management skills is very crucial. High school never really taught me any time management skills, so when I started college it was quite an eye opener. I am technically still a senior in high school but I consider myself a freshman. Doing the post-secondary program was not only a way to earn free college, but also learn time management skills. That way when I start “real” college in the fall I will already know the gist of how things work. Last semester I realized that I needed to get my shit together. While taking on a 12 credit workload I was also working 20+ hours a week. I finally came to the conclusion that I can’t binge watch Netflix for 4 hours every day, or hangout with friends as much as I would like to; instead I have to spend the majority of my time doing homework, studying for pop quizzes and tests, and writing papers. While doing this I also had to take in the

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