
Why We Must Be Big Enough Since Life

Decent Essays

life in its bearest form has been defined by various fields,disciplnes and it may have a subjective definition according to the individual differences but it all bows down to starting from somehwere and ending at a particular point. The questionj of life has been tackled from generations to this days and its still sounds fresh in our minds whenever things falls apart. The questions of life is asked by everyone; the rich, the poor, the bank manager, the guy on the street, the politician and so on. the these people believe there is an expected end to what ever we are doing , and its the wish of everyone to make the right choices in this life before it becomes too late, as they say "opportunity comes but ones" buut before one will reach to his destination there must be a set of goals and i believe the goals must be big enough since life itself is lived ones and setting goals does not automatically means we accomplish it but as humans we always prepare for the unexpected in this race we find ourselves. i decided to talk a little bit about life before the goals because one cannot understand the later without the former, i would like to talk aboiut few of the things i have put together to help me set my goals which i have categorize into the follwing; school, service in church, marriage, family, the my influences on the society and lastly impact delivered to the world as a whole. first of all, considering the presence state as a student offering this course has been a

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