
Why Women Stay In Abusive Relationships

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There are many reasons why both men and women stay in abusive relationships. Some stay because they may have kids together or simply think that person loves them. Most of the times dating violence and abuse occurs when someone within the relationship is exposed to a submissive nature. When you keep quiet, suffer in silence, and back down from speaking up are when things get worse and doing that will only take their violence tendencies further. To avoid dating violence you must first and foremost utilize a healthy relationship. You should focus on respect and be proactive while in a relationship. Abusive relationships are not good for your well being. Most of the times when you see one sign of abuse usually mean that it will be a continuous …show more content…

Emotional abuse is less thought of because many people believe that it is letting someone down in an abusive way. Emotional abuse is basically another word for verbal abuse. If your partner talks negatively to the victim putting them down, it counts as abusive. The person that is doing the abuse normally tries to embarrass the victim and always tries to be in control over them. The abuser’s main goal is to try to separate the victim from their family and friends. All of these examples involve emotional abuse. The other types of abusive relationships are physical abuse which more people expect in an abusive relationship. The abuser uses violence to generally solve the arguments between their partners. Physical violence is when the abuser harms the person. If the victim has bruises, the partner used physical …show more content…

I say that because most of teenage abuse relationships always end up with somebody killing their self. When the relationship becomes abusive, it’s a clear sign to get help immediately trying to then end the relationship with the abuser. A relationship is never going to just be happiness. Arguments do happen, but in positive and healthy relationships nobody should ever use physical force to get what they want. Doing this paper I learned that nobody in this world should have to go through an abusive relationship. I also learned that there is more than just one way to be abused and that most of all you should try your best to stay away from situations like this because it can really have an impact on your life. Nobody should hold anything in, if you are experiencing abuse of any sort, that person should tell immediately and go talk to someone. Abuse is very serious and some things we may not consider abuse is really abuse. Most of all I learned to never make my partner feel as though she is being abused in any kind of

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