
Why Writing Is Important Essay

Decent Essays

When in high school you probably wrote papers, and you probably thought "hey I am pretty good at this.", but I can bet you had a teacher in high school who would warn you that your work will never be good enough for college. Especially if you keep writing the way you do. You probably got warnings from every teacher that college is going to be hard, and that you will spend countless nights working on projects due the next day. But I want you to know none of it is true. If you work hard on your homework everyday you will do just fine.

College writing is exactly the same as any writing you did before. You are going to have to sit down, plan what you are going to write, and then start writing. You might turn in your first paper and get an F, but …show more content…

Now these are not things you necessarily need to do but I suggest you do them just so you know your end paper will be readable and tolerable. The first thing I would suggest you to do on your own when writing is to find somewhere comfortable and quiet. You want to be able to find a space where you can work and will not get distracted. I would suggest either going to the library, or studying in a locked room. The reason I suggest working in these type of environments is to keep yourself away from distractions. These areas are quiet but also secluded, not to often will you have people coming up to your table to talk to you at the library, everyone there is going to be doing their own thing and will not have time to bother you while you write. The second thing I suggest when writing for college is to write about things you enjoy, now I know not every paper you write is going to include your hobbies, but just make your writing experience enjoyable. No matter what you need to enjoy what you are writing about. You are the writer, therefore you have the power to write about whatever you want. Your reader is going to read whatever you put on the paper so make sure it is something you actually

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