
Wild West Show History

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Throughout the decades entertainment has changed dramatically, but still known as one of the most famous entertainment shows was Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show. The show often stared people like Sitting Bull and Annie Oakley. It was a big hit in the united states and even around the world. The show showed people, who would never get to see the “Wild West” what it’s like. The show tended to be an exaggeration of what life was really like in the west. The show all started with a man who went by the name of Buffalo Bill his real name was William Frederick Cody. Cody was born just west of the Mississippi river LeClaire, Iowa on February 26, 1846. Cody started working fairly early on in his life getting his first job at the age of twelve working for a wagon train. Following that year he joined in on and helped with the gold rush in Colorado. He then later rode for the Pony Express at the age …show more content…

He killed 4,280 buffalo in the course of seventeen months. Buffalo Bill first started the show on May 19, 1883 in Omaha, Nebraska. For the first season of the show his partner was an exhibition shooter by the name of Dr. W.F. Carver. The show was titled “Rocky Mountain and Prairie Exhibition”. They did shows around the country and even around the world. The Wild West show lasted for three decades. This was not the first time this type of show had been seen but this is by far the most popular one. The show was first for a 4th of July celebration in North Platte, Nebraska. Cody soon realized that the show was a great success and he could really make something of this. Soon “Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show” it was a circus like act that demonstrated the life of the people living in the wild west. The next four years the show was a crazy success, Buffalo Bill performed his show all around the country with crowds often reaching numbers of 20,000 people or

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