
William Shakespeare 's Romeo And Juliet

Good Essays

Shakespeare 's Romeo & Juliet in the 9th Grade Curriculum

When people start learning about William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, it can be confusing and pointless due to the fact that two young people fall in love and die for each other. Romeo & Juliet should not be taught in the 9th grade next year or in any year because, the entire story has unrealistics standards, promotes alcohol and drug abuse, as well as graphic depictions of violence, and lastly the usage of english that is no longer used.

William Shakespeare should not be taught in ninth grade because it has lack a of proper english.The language may have been considered proper back then when it was used, but in current society it is not used, therefore is no longer necessary to be taught. Some readers can be confused about what they are saying, which is not good when you are trying to point out important facts about certain things. Critics think that they should change the wording to the so people can understand. If the actors could have change it the english if they wanted to.The use of the old english is unuseful at the point now.

The story has no sense of humor, it just has depression and inexperienced love for two young people Romeo & Juliet. The depression between the two makes no sense if you love someone why would you make them sad. That 's what people don 't get Juliet was depressed about Romeo After he killed her cousin. If you love me why would you kill your family. Romeo cannot stop

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