
Essay on Women on the Bottom and Men on Top

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Do women wear suits to work because they want to look like a man, or are they just tired of wearing dresses? Since the beginning of time, the gender coin has kept women on one side and men on the other. Coexistence has proven to be difficult in the best of times. The fact that men cannot have babies and women do not have a penis should not keep us from enjoying our differences. The mix-up in our thinking is that men and women are innately different yet we want them to be equal, which requires recognizing these differences then ignoring them, and puts reality on a collision course with the politically correct cause of equality. It seems that the difference between men and women has come down to science, and we need that to tell us what …show more content…

According to these studies, men realistically tend to be generally better suited toward mechanical and women toward clerical. Reality is what it is and this brings us full circle. Men will never bare children and women will never be dudes. When presented with the concept that there are innate differences between the sexes, today’s political response is to refuse to even consider the possibility. Somewhere in the Women’s Movement, the notion that men and women cannot be isolated by psychological distinction became impenetrable. The danger of psychological distinction is the fundamental argument presented by Anne Fausto-Sterling. As a biological scientist, she asserts that despite the stereotypical assumption that women do not know the differences between televisions or cannot program a DVD or fix their brakes, does not mean that they are incapable of doing so. Most of these talents and skills are acquired through a simple education and should not necessarily be assumed to be “innate.” Thanks to the Women’s Movement over the last several decades, there are enough female electronics technicians and engineers in the labor force today to disprove most of these old-fashioned, orthodox philosophies. Ms. Sterling

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