Everyone has a different impact from the work they do in life. Joseph Conrad stated that "I don't like work--no man does--but I like what is in the work--the chance to find yourself. Your own reality--for yourself not for others--what no other man can ever know. They can only see the mere show, and never can tell what it really means." in The Heart of Darkness.
The quote explains that we work for the likes of ourself not the likes of others. We, as human beings, are born for a purpose. All of us have our unique hobbies that we enjoy to do. Currently as a high school student, I'm not sure what I want to do in the future; I feel that I still need to find myself in the things I like. My hobbies include: dance, singing, socializing, and traveling. Also, volunteering is what I do most of my time; usually, I work with kids or at the hospital helping out patients. At the center where I work with children, I teach them dance and songs for future events that happen in our community; I, as a young Indian girl, must teach the young generation what we know about
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Our parents or guardians have pampered us and given us the best care they could, some we would grow into independent adults ready for any challenge that we occur. With hard work and your own talent, you can accomplish what is necessary for you to. When working, strengths and weaknesses appear to you. They show what you are best at and what you need to work on. Strengths show the skills you are outstanding in. Weaknesses show the skills that you lack and need improvement in. During the volunteering, I had strengths and weaknesses that were visible to me. My strengths were hard worker, caring, obedient, and responsible; some weaknesses were working to fast and not taking my time to finish the task, along with getting tired quickly. I will use these weaknesses to help me do better in the future for a significant
Strength 1: I am very organized and I am able to stay on top of multiple tasks at once. I am currently a TA and a full-time student, and a volunteer at the crisis line and at Camp Kesem. Because of my responsibilities, I need to stay actively organized
The strength and weakness for women and men was used the their advantage or disadvantage some weakness through my experience were lack of motivation, limit skills, lack of will power, substance abuse, pregnancies, financial stains, timing, and life changes altering plans. Strengths were will power, motivation, positive influences, growth developments, exposure to diversified culture, higher education, support systems. Those whom chose to self-sacrifice themselves overcome obstacles reached their goals. Those who work hard knowing one day they would see the big picture realized the success or
Weaknesses I have had difficulty on is having to write essays. Every time my teachers assign me work to perform that involves writing an essay for instance, I tend to get frustrated. I would often spend hours trying to craft an idea on what to write about and how I should word it in my essay. An additional problem is when I read the paper to myself and looks fine, but when I turn the paper over to someone else, they do not find the point I was trying to convey. Then, I would have to verbally express the key ideas or meaning of the essay. My next two weaknesses are the ones that I still continue to kind of struggle. Those weaknesses are not finding the right words to write and being easily
Heart of Darkness is a book about one man’s journey into the depths of the African Congo. He travels to a place where, "’the changes take place inside’"(Conrad 15). For a man named Kurtz, his journey went deeper into Africa then he could have ever expected. Kurtz’s journey into Africa ended up being a journey into the darkness within himself.
Literature is never interpreted in exactly the same way by two different readers. A prime example of a work of literature that is very ambiguous is Joseph Conrad's, "Heart of Darkness". The Ambiguities that exist in this book are Marlow's relationship to colonialism, Marlow's changing feelings toward Kurtz, and Marlow's lie to the Intended at the end of the story.
For instance the strength of being restorative has shown me that I need to work on not trying to control every situation and solve every problem someone has. I need to let them figure out how to solve their problems and just be a sounding board for them when they need it. Being a mom it is hard to not just jump in every time my boys face a difficult situation and just solve it for them. They are young men now and I realize that I need to take a back seat and let them figure out where their life’s road will take them and to be there to listen and help as they ask me. Hard, yes, but a necessity. By doing the assessment and finding out what my top three strengths are I can use them to in the best way possible to achieve the goals I have for my life both personally and professionally. I realize that being deliberative, my belief system and being restorative are my strengths and not weaknesses and I can now capitalize on those strengths at work and
Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness explores the mysteries of human corruption and its effects on the mind. Within the confines of the text, the jungle reveals a coiled snake, lying in wait, ready to sink its teeth into the darkness within Kurtz. As a result of being removed from his former social context and allowed to be the sole arbiter of his own actions, Africa becomes responsible for his mental disintegration, leading to him becoming blind to his greed for the ivory trapping him within the confines of the jungle. Kurtz’s madness eventually becomes a physical aspect, so that his bodily sickness is a reflection of his diseased mind. Through Kurtz’s, Conrad exposed the ugliness in people, uncensored and truthful. He wanted to show that evil is a human entity, which anyone acting without the requirement or moral restraint can become so degenerated that anything is possible, so long as they are free to do it. People become evil when we abandon our morals and the ability to do what is right from what is wrong. A single influential being or thing, whether we accept it or not, could drastically change our moral self control. In no time this makes people change the way they think. Conrad, showed that as humans everyone is physiologically able to extensively break down and alter their existing train of thought. Whether this is about transitioning from good to evil or from happy to depressed. It’s all driven from a compelling force.
My strengths are my self-confidence, determination, organization, and ability to prioritize. Balancing an overloaded school schedule, upwards of 24 credits in a semester, maintaining excellent grades, raising a toddler, and volunteering are demonstrative of my greater fortes. In terms of weaknesses, public speaking has always been difficult for me, as well as networking. I have branched outside of my comfort zone, engaged in volunteer opportunities, student organizations, and clubs as an effort to improve upon this.
The two major themes of Heart of Darkness are the conflict between “reality” and “darkness,” and the idea of restraint and whether or not it is necessary. Conrad’s passage describing the restraint of the hungry cannibals exemplifies both themes: It describes how reality shapes human behavior, and contrasts the characters of Kurtz and Marlow. “Reality,” as it is used here, is defined as “that which is civilized.”
Inherent inside every human soul is a savage evil side that remains repressed by society. Often this evil side breaks out during times of isolation from our culture, and whenever one culture confronts another. History is loaded with examples of atrocities that have occurred when one culture comes into contact with another. Whenever fundamentally different cultures meet, there is often a fear of contamination and loss of self that leads us to discover more about our true selves, often causing perceived madness by those who have yet to discover their own self. Joseph Conrad’s book, The Heart of Darkness is a story about Man’s journey into his self, the discoveries to be made there and about
When it comes to my strengths and weaknesses I can always give more weaknesses then strengths but I find that is always good to think of a lot of weaknesses as then you are always developing, Below I have put some of my strengths and weaknesses
My weak area was the self-regulation portion; most of my responses to how often I handled each situation were “usually.” I need to improve on controlling my feelings in certain situations, trying to be more aware of tasks and their proposed deadlines, managing my time wisely, and executing new ideas that I myself have formulated. Other weaknesses were found in most of the areas where my strengths were. Most of them involved taking risks, which my personality often deters me from engaging in.
Greed can push both ruthless and innocent people to hurt others. In the 18th and 19th centuries, Europeans wanted to imperialize many countries in Africa for land and resources such as gold and cash crops. They also desired economic, social, and political control along with the success of converting Africans to European politics and religion. Europeans sought to have an economic and political dominance over African Americans. The cruelty that the Africans faced is displayed in Joseph Conrad’s, Heart of Darkness. Raising questions about both racism and imperialism, the novel includes Kurtz, a character with greed for the valuable resource, ivory. Conrad comments on the horrific corruptibility of humanity through the narrator, Charles
The strengths I have: being efficient and organize. I have to have everything a particular manner before I write, perform, or do almost any jobs. Occasionally this can cost me lots of time. The weaknesses that I have are a perfectionist and impatient at times. I was used to working at a substantially faster rate than those around me. Sharing information and interacting with others is when I learn best. Understanding my weaknesses assists me to plan methods to conquer them when I am doing tasks and socializing with others. I must be kinder to myself and less strict about matters being merely so. I also need to be more delicate and comprehensible of others who tend not to take up my perfectionist styles. I also should be patient with people who take longer time to work. Since I have got a tendency to delay works when I do not feel like doing anything, I, therefore, need to create a regular schedule with integrated rewards and times for learning and acquiring assignments done.
While I definitely have more strengths than weaknesses, I do consider myself to have three weaknesses in my attributes. My weaknesses would include: Impatient, Shy and Reluctant. When working on a project, I can become a little impatient if the other group members are not pulling their weight properly or waiting till the last minute to do things. According to Melody Fletcher’s How To Overcome Impatience article, “Impatience is a response to fear”. I have a strong desire to control not only the outcome, but also how that outcome will come about and being impatient causes stress for myself because of the fear of failure. It can be somewhat irritating to work so hard on a project to have other group members conduct themselves in a manner that is unprofessional or not up to our higher education degree standards. I have managed to work on this weakness by knowing that every individual works at a different pace and levels of proficiency. I can be pretty shy when working in a group setting. While I try not to be reserved or nervous, I tend to sit back in listen during the first few group project meetings. I have worked on this weaknesses over my time at Full Sail University, by being more proactive in the group setting and taking control of either being the