Everyone has a process when they write a paper, a book, or a story. Typically, everyone has a similar process, but each person's overall method will vary. For example, some people may choose paper and pencil while others prefer using a keyboard. My process is generally the same, but may slightly deviate according to the type of writing assignment. Since sixth grade, I have always preferred to do the tedious task of writing a paper on a computer where I can easily correct the mistakes I make. One of the main reasons, it is better for me to complete my assignments on the computer is my inability to spell well. Also, there is frequently a need to correct minor grammatical mistakes. Generally, I come to the paper head on and just start writing …show more content…
By midafternoon, the sun is starting to set which allows plenty of light. At times, the weather prevents the sunlight, but the computer screen provides ample lighting. Also, it has been long enough after lunch that I am not full but yet not hungry for supper. This time of day, I am in a state of peace and have ample flow of blood to the brain. While writing the first draft of my paper, I just go for it, unless I make a major mistake. During the writing of my first draft, I write as much as possible from what I can quickly think up and look for spelling mistakes along the way. While the first draft is not perfect, it allows me to get my thoughts on paper quickly before becoming distracted. When it is possible to leave my computer for a while before making corrections, I am able to return and realize changes that need to be made to the paper. Once the second draft is complete, to the best of my ability the paper is reread for any other errors that have been grammatically made. Then, I usually try to use the wisdom of others to aide with the corrections before completing the final draft. After editing any mistakes brought to my attention, I go through and make any structure changes needed to make the paper flow better. Even though it can take more than two drafts to write a paper and correct it, you would just repeat the steps for the second
I remembered I did not get good grade in one of my assaignment in the first semister because I assumed wrongly that witout proffreding the reader is able easily understand my thoughts or ideas, but I was wrong. After this experience I always proofread my all papers or essay before submit to Professors. All of my papers need a substantial amount of proofreading for grammatical errors, and for sentence’s structural problems. When I write a full sentence usually I stop and look back over it. If it sounds correct I move forward to the next sentence but when I feel the sentence doesn’t sound correct I try to fix the sentence’s structure. I always recheck the paragraph before moving to the next paragraph. I always make an outline before
Every writer experiences the daunting task of writing, revising, perfecting, and completing a paper, essay, or book at some point in life. Whether it is for school or a profession, writing and revising papers will always be a part of life. While writing and revising multiple papers for Written Communications, I learned a lot about my writing style, technique, and revision process. Through complicated steps, I performed both global and local revisions in order to increase the clarity of paper, erase all sentence-level confusions, perfect my ideas, and organize my thoughts into a coherent, unified argument.
I like the method freewriting, because before I gather ideas in my brain, and as soon as the ideas start flowing, I put them on paper. When using the freewriting method, I forget all of the rules concerning order, grammar, punctuation or spelling. When is finished, then, I go back to the page, I read it slowly and underline all of the main
Finishing a grammatically correct essay can be a very self-fulfilling reward of accomplishment. With the help of Smarthinking ( ) and Paperrater (2017), the final product can be guided to become a successful writing. Proofreading and checking for spelling errors can be time-consuming although, time well spent when they, over time improve the quality of writing.
Freelance writer and published author of “The Art and Craft of Creative Writing,” Dave Hood, indicates that distancing yourself from your paper and not editing as you write also serves to be more effective. Author Susan Bell, in “The Artful Edit,” further offers revising suggestions. She indicates that reading aloud as you revise will also make mistakes or unclear content more noticeable. Having someone else read your paper and offer their insight will also doubly help you catch your mistakes. The writing center here at Covenant has personally served as a highly useful tool not only during the revision process, but every part of the writing process. During revision, be sure to focus on addressing the specific issues of your content and re-read multiple times with different focuses. The important thought to keep in mind is that no one writes a perfect first draft. There is always room for improvement, and revising, particularly more than once, will increase your chance for success in
The proofreading process becomes more efficient as you develop and practice a systematic strategy. You'll learn to identify the specific areas of your own writing that need careful attention, and knowing that you have a sound method for finding errors will help you to focus more on developing your ideas while you are drafting the
Proofreading any document prior to finalizing is essential to the writing process, and involves other than just simply checking for spelling and grammar errors. Research papers, essays, e-mail, and memorandums are just a few examples of documents that would require careful proofreading so that the message is positively communicated. Proofreading can comprehended into three phases: revising for content, editing, and verifying sources and mechanics.
I tend to jot my ideas on a piece of paper, next I prepare a peaceful environment, which I could easily concentrate. This relaxing space is usually on a suitable desk in my house or in Starbucks. The surrounding that I must have to write, is a well lit room without distractions. In order to mitigate distractions, I sit down at a clean table with quietness or soft instrumental music. I then get my notebook or laptop out and begin to setup my goal with a outline as a draft of the essay. Lastly, I start typing a draft, or pre-writing on my notebook or computer. I am always eager and enthusiastic when it comes to writing .
Everyone has a writing process. Whether we know it or not. The writing process seems to be natural to writers. I have multiple ways of writing depending on the type of writing. As a young kid, I was taught to follow a sequential writing process that included reading on a daily basis. My teacher always said, “Writing is the same as reading.” My type of writing process depends on the following writing; school assignments, social media posts, and even text messages.
Most of my errors usually come from rushing through information to quickly. I tend to lean towards skimming, so I am always rushing through. Common errors I make are: when to use commas, pronoun utilization, spelling, and capitalization errors. Reading the articles in Excelsior College Online Writing Lab have helped me to identify these issues and work towards fixing them.
Realistically, each time you proofread you find new ways to better a paper. So, I believe I’ve learned new ways to better my writing by looking for similar mistakes. So re-reading, adding punctuation or fixing punctuation, checking my APA mistakes are some of the things I corrected.
All good writers use the five stages of writing the five stages of writing are prewriting, drafting, revising,editing and publishing. In the prewriting stage you can brain storm or make a graphic organiser this stage is all about planning your paper. The next stage is drafting which is the stage where you get your thoughts on paper and get your point across. Revising is next it is where you fix spelling , capitalization, and punctuation. it is also where you make little changes. The last stage is publishing it is where you make it pretty and put it on display.
The writing process has several rules. I have selected three of the rules to focus on throughout the paper. Rule one, pre-write. I have found it very difficult to write in the past without at least creating an outline to follow. Brainstorming or just writing whatever comes to mind down on a piece of paper help develop a foundation for what I want to write. Prewriting is so important because it takes all your ideas and puts them into one safe space where you can decide which path you want to take with it. Decide how you want to approach your topic and what kind of audience you want to speak to. You get to simply just write and develop without any restrictions.
The first essential steps I encountered when written an essay was the rough draft, it help me to write down all my thought and source I had found, and also determine if my focus was valid and in right direction. After my rough draft had been previewed, the next step for me was aiming at fixing spellings and grammar errors for the correction of my final draft. This process helps me to work diligently toward the final draft composition and not leaving it to the last minute. During the course of
The first draft is the one I hand in. I don't believe that my first drafts are perfect, I simply don't leave myself enough time to fix any problems the paper may have.