Mast cells are a type of normal white blood cell and are part of the immune system. Mast cell tumors comprise about 20% of all skin tumors in felines. These tumors can be benign or malignant. Over 90% of mast cell tumors that occur in the skin of felines are benign while mast cell tumors that occur in internal organs tend to be more aggressive. This disease is more common in middle aged cats, and Siamese cats tend to be predisposed to getting this disease. If a cat is suffering from skin mast cell tumors you should notice small, firm, raised, hairless nodules usually around the head, neck, trunk, and limbs but they can also appear in other areas on the cat. Typically a cat with mast cell tumors of the skin don’t show any signs of systemic illness, while cats that get mast cell tumors on internal organs may show more signs of systemic illness. Felines with mast cell tumors on their organs can become …show more content…
If a tumor is seen on ultrasound on an internal organ a fine needle aspiration can still be done but will probably require some sedation. Once a mast cell tumor has been diagnosed there is a few treatment options for a feline patient. Surgery is the treatment of choice for cats with mast cell tumors of the skin as long as there are not too many mast cell tumors for a surgeon to remove. Most mast cell tumors are benign so surgically removing them is likely to cure this disease. If the tumors are on the organs of the cat surgery is not usually recommended, unless the spleen is involved then the surgeon can just be removed. If the tumor is cancerous chemotherapy medications have been reported as having good responses and are even recommended for cats. Steroids and drugs that block histamine receptors can both reduce the clinical signs of inflammation associated with mast cell
In the past years, there has been a major paradigm shift in the management of non-small cell lung cancer also known as (NSCLC). NSCLC should now be further sub-classified by histology and driver mutation if one is known or present. Translational research results now allow such mutations to be inhibited by either receptor monoclonal antibodies (mAb) or small molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI). Whilst empirical chemotherapy with a platinum-doublet remains the gold standard for advanced NSCLC without a known driver mutation, targeted therapy is pushing the boundary to significantly improve patient outcomes and quality of life. In this review, we will examine the major subtypes
While we typically deal with the difficulties of grooming dogs, we know that many of our readers also own cats. And if you're a cat owner, you know how much cats hate doing...pretty much anything. Unfortunately, if you have a long-haired cat, you're going to have to brush it regularly, even if it hates it.
One June 23rd we said goodbye to Miss Kermit, who the vet believed was suffering from liver cancer. The outward signs of her decline seemed rapid, as the green collar she wore so well became loose in a matter of a few short weeks. This beautiful mostly black cat with gorgeous emerald green eyes enjoyed lots of her favorite baby food on Sunday, but by Monday had no interest in food. We worried as she went off to the vet, and were deeply saddened when the news came.
Things to look for include indicating illnesses are drastic mood changes, vomiting, diarrhea and straining while urinating. Particularly, you should be wary of diarrhea (watery stools). In a young cat, this can dehydrate them in a few hours and they may need fluids intravenously. If you see diarrhea more than twice in a row, it would be prudent to have a veterinarian check out the Serval. Treatment is usually easy and quick once the vet determines the cause of the diarrhea. Diarrhea can sometimes result from a change in diet. But this usually goes away
Salivary gland tumors are a morphologically diverse group of neoplasms, which may present considerable diagnostic and management challenges for the pathologist and surgeon. Salivary gland tumors are rare with an overall incidence in the western world of about 2.5 to 3.0 per 100,000 per year. About 80% of all lesions are benign; hence salivary malignancies are particularly rare, comprising less than 0.5% of all malignancies and about 5% of cancers in the head and neck. (1)
Cutaneous neoplasms is a neoplastic tumour, mainly affects skin of most animals including horses and represented 50% of equine clinical reported neoplasms (Scott and Miller 2011; Buechner-Maxwell 2009 Thomas et al 1997 , Zachary and McGavin 2012 ). Usually neoplasms can affect either the ectoderm ,mesoderm and melanocytic (Zachary and McGavin 2012 ). Most of the ectodermal neoplasms of the epidermis and adnexa are benign, exception the neoplasms of apocrine glands of sweat glands and anal sac, also the surface epithelium neoplasia (squamous cell carcinoma) (Jones et al. 1997 ; Zachary and McGavin 2012). Equine cutaneous neoplasms are largely mesenchymal in origin and benign in nature and usually associated with Saddle horses (a composite
The thyroid gland is the gland that makes and stores hormones that help regulate the heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, and metabolism. Thyroid hormones are essential for the function of every cell in the body. They help regulate growth and the rate of chemical reactions in the body. Thyroid hormones also help children grow and develop. The thyroid gland is located in the lower part of the neck, below the Adam's apple, wrapped around the trachea. It has the shape of a butterfly with two lobes attached to one another by a middle part called the isthmus. The thyroid uses iodine, a mineral found in some foods and in iodized salt, to make its hormones. The two most important thyroid hormones are thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine
Firstly, when we got to our table, we removed our cat, which was a black and white spotted cat, and its number was 4. From head to tail, the length of our cat was 71 cm. I noticed the cat was very stiff, and this was because of Vigor Mortis, which is when the cat died, myosin and actin no longer detach. There was an incision right under the neck of the cat, which is where the
Dermatitis is a general term that describes an inflammation of the skin. There are different types of dermatitis, including seborrheic dermatitis and atopic dermatitis (eczema). Although the disorder can have many causes and occur in many forms, it usually involves swollen, reddened and itchy skin. (
also. The only way to keep irritants from triggering eczema is to avoid them by
March 15th, 2010, was a completely normal day. As normal as any day is for a twelve year old homeschooler. I was home with my oldest sister Brittany who was twenty at the time and I was just finishing up my homework for the day. After finishing up my math work I went to go watch television in the living room. Brittany was in her room and my parents didn't get home until later because of work. A few hours into my movie, my stomach started to hurt. Since I was twelve I didn't no the differences of pain so I just left it alone for a while. Later in the day my abdomen was aching so much I couldn't even get off the couch. After wailing for Brittany to call Mom I was sent to the emergency room in an ambulance with severe abdomen pain. After several hours in the ER and multiple tests, doctors found nothing. I was sent home and was told to take Tylenol for the pain. Once I got home, it didn't hurt anymore so I thought they were right and that I could just go on with my crazy life as a twelve year old. I was wrong. Two months after, I got the same
Lymphoma or lymphatic cancer is a very serious and life threatening disease. In this country there is an estimated 63,900 new cases, 7,100 of which are Hodgkin’s lymphoma as opposed to non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Since around the 70’s the occurrence of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma has almost doubled while the occurrence of Hodgkin’s disease has declined. (Steen, 1993)
Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women, it accounts for one of every three diagnoses in the United States. Breast cancers are malignancies, life threatening tumors that develops in one or both breasts.
Oral cancer is a devastating disease. Over eight thousand American lives are taken by oral cancer and only a fourth of these patients do not excessively drink alcohol or smoke tobacco, which are the two main causes of oral cancer (The Oral Cancer Foundation). Survival rates for oral cancer could be much higher if the population would take precautionary measures to reduce their chances of being diagnosed with oral cancer. When the use of alcohol and tobacco are decreased, the chances of acquiring oral cancer are also decreased. By visiting the dentist at least once every year, new lesions could be found. Unfortunately, only seven percent of the population, who visits the dentist regularly, receives a thorough oral cancer exam(The Oral
If you recognize one or more of these signs, don 't feel bad. Remember, wild instincts are working against you. But you need to get your kitty to a veterinarian ASAP. Your vet might recommend medications, surgery or other pain management treatments. Fortunately, there are also a things that you can try to do for your cat at home (with your vet 's approval, of course) to make life for them more comfortable: