
XML: Extensible Markup Language Essay

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XML: Extensible Markup Language

The World Wide Web is in the process of undergoing a radical change that allows new services and opportunities to businesses and individuals. HTML - the HyperText Markup Language - is a language that is predominately used to generate most of the web sites available today. Now, however, Extensible Markup Language is in the process of replacing HyperText Markup Language as the most favored format. Extensible Markup Language will allow the use and functionality of the web to continue to expand.

Extensible Markup Language is based on Standard Generalized Markup Language. First, what is Standard Generalized Markup Language?

Both HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and XML (Extensible Markup Language) are …show more content…

Extensible Markup Language became the “RISC computer” of the markup language world.
What is HyperText Markup Language?

HTML - HyperText Markup Language - as stated above, is a limited subset of Standard Generalized Markup Language. It is a very limited subset of the parent language and provides very limited functionality. Simply, HyperText Markup Language allows the designer to mark up a document with human-readable tags that describe the document’s data and its display format. Documents created in HyperText Markup Language are static, non-interactive, and not dynamic in their generation.

The power of HyperText Markup Language was that it, like Standard Generalized Markup Language, allows communication across different computer platforms to occur and that it is relatively simple to master. It is very limiting; however, in the functionality it allows the designer to put into his or her application. Something more powerful was needed.

The Web. The Need.

In the past the exchange of data has been hindered by the incompatible formats of proprietary hardware and software, as I mentioned above. That was less of a problem when computers rarely communicated to each other. Now, however, communication between different computer platforms is a very common occurrence. And, it is a major obstacle to the spread of global networking and the growth of business transactions through the World

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