
Xu Yuanchong And Translation

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Xu Yuanchong and Translation

1.INTRODUCTION Xu Yuanchong, a translator and a professor at the Peking University. He has published at home and abroad sixty works including translation works in Chinese, English and French. He is the only expert in the history to translate the Chinese ancient poems into English verse. In 1999, he was nominated for the Nobel prize for literature.
Professor Xu Yuanchong was born in 1921 in Jiangxi province of China. He graduated from department of foreign languages National Southwestern Associated University(国立西南联合大学外文系)in 1943. He studied in Tsinghua University of foreign in 1944 and went to study in France in 1948. Since 1951 he came back to China, he works as the English and French professor in some foreign …show more content…

He is a translator and translation theorist. He has made a great contribution to the formation of Chinese literary translation theory and the improvement of the international status about Chinese translation. Based on his own translation practice, Xu Yuanchong put forward the systemic theory about English translation of Chinese poetry. This theory can be summarized as "the art of beautification, excellence like race"(美化之艺术,创优似竞赛). Obviously, this theory emphasizes that we must highlight the translator's subjectivity in order to reproduce China poetry in English …show more content…

Qian Zhongshu read Xu Yuanchong’s Li Bai’s Poems (1987) English version and then he said:” Taibai can speak the Yi language but he has not explain red haired devil’s Chinese. Otherwise, if I stay in the world with you together, we will get along with complete mutual understanding.” The press named goddess of wisdom think that Xixiangji can compared with Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet in art and absorbing gravity. Xu Yuanchong's Three Hundred Chinese Immortal Poems (1994) published by England Penguin Press. This work was published in Anglo American, Australia and other countries, and this is the first time this press published Chinese translation because “this translation is

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