To what extent is youth violence, crimes and anti-social behaviour linked to youths binge drinking.
Binge drinking can be defined as an excessive consumption of alcohol within a short period of time to get drunk. This essay will focus on how youth violence, crime and anti-social behaviour is linked to youths binge drinking. It is widely known that the youths in United Kingdom start drinking at an early stage of their lives. Talbot and Crabbe (n.d.) state that “government statistics suggest that… the amount of alcohol consumed by younger adolescents aged 11-13 continues to climb.” Underage drinking is linked to binge drinking as youths are not mature and responsible enough to think of the consequences. BBC News (2003) mentioned that “A
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It is also known that regretful sexual activity is a leverage of youths heavy drinking. An article by The Christian Institute (2011) expresses the concern of youths engaging in alcohol-fuelled sex. The article states that “those binge drinking three or more times a week were over five times more likely than non-binge drinkers to have had sex they regretted following alcohol”. It was also suggested that it is time for ministers should have a stricter attitude towards youths binge drinking. The article goes on to declare that the government has failed to control the issue of youths misusing alcohol.
Having considered all of the points above, there are arguments about youth violence, crime and anti-social behaviour not relating to binge drinking. It is common for youths to go through a rebellious phase. During the stage of rebellion, crimes will be committed due to peer pressure or low family income. A report by Taylor (2003) claims that street robberies were urged on by the fear of youths being left out and bullied. This suggests that young people are very affected by how they are perceived in the eyes of other individuals which instigate them to commit crime. A research by Jacobson and Kirby (2012) mentions that lack of discipline was evidently the root to youth crimes. The research also mentions that boredom as
According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Many young people are facing the consequences of excessive drinking, at a too early age. Because of this issue, underage drinking is a leading public health problem. Each year, approximately 5,000 young people under the age of 21 die as a result of underage drinking including about 1,900 deaths from motor vehicle crashes, 1,600 as a result of homicides, 300 from suicide, as well as hundreds from other injuries such as falls, burns, and drownings (1–5).
Is the media’s portrayal of adolescent drinking accurate? Yes, it is. To many individuals, Alcohol is only a drink, but it is a lot more than that, it's an addictive drug. 60% of young adults have tried alcohol earlier than the age of 14, and the numbers of under aged drinkers is rising. Adolescents begin drinking for a lot of reasons - given that they are bored, due to peer pressure, and quite simply because there is nothing else to do. The national Drug research Institute observed females aged 14 to 17 have been worse abusers of alcohol than 18 to 24-year old guys. In other records, it suggests that eighty percent of under 18-year-olds drink, 50 percentage binge drink. Also around 10 percent of 12 year olds drink.
According to Getting Stupid the reason why so many adolescent kids binge drink is because when they are drunk, dopamine is released in the prefrontal cortex, which gives you a feeling of pleasure. Teens want this pleasure to reoccur, so they drink again. After a long period of usage a tolerance is built and more alcohol is needed to receive the same pleasure, which leads to binge drinking (Wuethrich, p.62).
Research undertaken by the National Schoolies Week organisation reveals that 52.3 percent of boys and 37.3 percent of girls get drunk every night and day of Schoolies Week.(9) Matters such as binge drinking and sex under the influence can have repercussions that affect the mental stability of the 16 to 18 year olds who attend Schoolies. By drinking solely to get drunk Schoolies these kids are making themselves vulnerable to incidents concerning the
Underage drinking is becoming a serious social issue in modern Australia; with 90% of Australian teenagers over 14 that have tried alcohol at least once. Estimates also suggest that half of Australia’s teenagers drink alcohol on a weekly basis. Underage drinking can cause drink driving and unsafe sex if it is misused. Australia seems to be fond of this drug, and find it to be socially acceptable although it is causing the amount of teenage deaths to rise rapidly due to misuse. Heavy use of Alcohol can also cause health issues later on in the lives of teens that are drinking alcohol. It is hard for parents to be able to prevent their teenagers from consuming and experimenting with alcohol, but they can at least kindly encourage their
Binge drinking can have a major effect on crime rates. These crimes can include, physical abuse, sexual abuse like rape, and domestic abuse. When a young person comes out of a club after binge drinking they wouldn’t know where they were and would often go back to anyone’s house, this is when the dangers then come into the situations, they are put into situations that they don’t want to be in but they can’t get out of them because they put themselves into them serious situations. Often this causes more damage in later life, some decide that they can’t take the pain of knowing they have been abused and then commit suicide and the rates of suicide is increasing as the years go on which clearly shows there is a link to binge drinking. If there
Binge drinking is known as the consumption excessive amounts of alcohol in short period of time. Therefore, we should lower the drinking age to 18 because instead of helping our youth, we are criminalizing our youth. For example, according to the article “Is Lowering the Drinking Age a Good Idea?” the author Jessica Pauline Ogilvie states, “When you prohibit drinking legally, it gets pushed further underground and into places that are out of adult control”(Ogilvie). The author follows up on her statement by also stating, “Places like fraternity houses are examples of places that promote drinking games and the rapid, excessive consumption of alcohol, which can have dangerous consequences for people, like alcohol poisoning”(Ogilvie). The author explains in these two quotes the effects of prohibiting drinking, which pushes drinking further underground and provides a perfect example of an underground place where there is binge drinking. Another example from the article is where the author states, “Underage drinking is not all fun and games, there is kids who consume excessive amounts of alcohol to the point it causes alcohol poisoning, and then there is those who underestimate the dangers of getting behind the wheel”(Ogilvie). In this quote, the author explains how underage drinking can have really bad consequences. Based on what author Jessica
According to Andrew Herman, “Each year, 14,000 die from drinking too much. 600,000 are victims of alcohol related physical assault and 17,000 are a result of drunken driving deaths, many being innocent bystanders” (470). These massive numbers bring about an important realization: alcohol is a huge issue in America today. Although the problem is evident in Americans of all ages, the biggest issue is present in young adults and teens. In fact, teens begin to feel the effects of alcohol twice as fast as adults and are more likely to participate in “binge-drinking” (Sullivan 473). The problem is evident, but the solution may be simple. Although opponents argue lowering the drinking age could make alcohol available to some teens not
Simply remarking that such a decision is dangerous fails to suffice as concrete evidence of the negative effects of underage alcohol consumption, and so statistical evidence must be given. Approximately five thousand underage drinkers die each year; the most prevalent cause is, not surprisingly, motor vehicle accidents. What many do not understand is what other factors constitute the other approximately three thousand; sixteen hundred to homicides, that is, murders and other deliberate killings, as well as 300 to suicide, usually caused by an exacerbation of underlying depression or other psychological difficulties. The remaining thousand are usually caused by such grisly circumstances as falling, burning, and drowning. While this may seem a relatively small number in the vast amounts of the twelve to twenty year old age group, estimates are that within the past month one-quarter of underage persons used alcohol, while two-thirds of those were binge drinkers. Not only does underage drinking increase the chance of dying in related incidents it encourages other destructive behaviors: engage in sexual activities, carry a plethora of illegal substances, and correlations have even been found that links underage drinking to poor performance in school. Other observations have been made that negatively link underage drinking with mental
“According to the CDC, about 90% of all teen alcohol consumption occurs in the form of Binge Drinking, which experts say peaks at the age of nineteen.” (qtd by Listfield). Binge Drinking is the consumption of excessive amounts of alcohol in a short period of time. The author, Emily Listfield, defines that the standard alcohol consumption over a two hour period is considered to be four beers for women and five beers for men. This has become a great distraction for college students nationwide and a major dilemma on college campuses. Nearly two hundred thousand students visit emergency rooms each year due to the abuse of alcohol, and more than one thousand seven hundred students die. In the article “ The Underage Drinking Epidemic”, Listfield identifies the problems that underage drinking can cause, the dangers that could happen, and four solutions on what parents can do to keep their kids from binge drinking.
Binge drinking during the teenage years can be a result of parents having drinking problems or just purely from parents not explaining to the kids the damage drinking can have on the body. Parents need to be good role models, even if kids have good role models there is still a chance they will binge drink but if parents are educated and are strict they might minimise the chances of it. Parents need to get educated on the topic. If the government were to hold free session trying to educate parents about alcohol it would be highly recommended that parents attend especially if they are aware that their kids are drinking. Parents are probably not going to be able to stop them drinking but by minimising it they are minimising the chances their kids have of having to deal with the effects of alcohol on the body.
and delinquent behaviour (Jones and Donovan 2001). Among young people aged 16 to 24 years, alcohol related harm is one of the leading causes of disease and
There is a strong link between alcohol and crime since alcohol is a depressant it leaves the drinker less able to concentrate, less able to judge situations, and less able to control emotions. According to Newburn .T, (2013) drinking and offending share common risk factors such as, parental substance use, behavioural problems in middle childhood, involvement with misguided social groups and, a family
Teenage binge drinking (consumption of five or more alcohol drinks in a row) has grown to be a serious problem in the United States. A report in 2009 from the Surgeon General’s office show alcohol consumption by teens start as early as 11 years of age for boys and 13 years of age for girls (Grant & Dawson, 1997). In the youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Report (2007), data results showed that over three million teenagers in grades 6 through 12 are alcoholics, and several million teens have serious health issues due to drinking. Further research conducted by the Harvard School of Public health (2006) show a direct correlation of automobile accidents, alcohol poisoning, poor academic performance. violence and
Youths have taken this aspect of life very seriously as it has become a mean of relaxing and expanding their circle of friends. Ms Yeo Li Fern an advocate at NAMS communicated, they frequently fall back on utilizing liquor as a type of relaxant when meeting new individuals at social capacities. Devouring liquor serves to support their certainty to standardize and blend with other youngsters without feeling hindered (Binge Drinking, 2011). Youths find it very fascinating to make or get to know new friends through friends hence this means of socializing has led to a huge cause of binge drinking, as they may gain confidence and be more relaxed to speak to new people while intoxicated. Since socializing plays such a huge role in youth’s lives these days, it has become the primary thing youths do hence spending a lot of time socializing on weekly basis, even more than once a week which could bring effects of alcoholism in the long run. A few studies have demonstrated that individuals who booze voraciously vigorously; the individuals who have three or more scenes of strategic alcoholism in 2 weeks, have a portion of the indications of liquor addiction (Dowshen, 2013). Furthermore, binge drinking could be more than just a relaxant as it also impairs one’s judgment once drunk. Individuals who are inebriated likewise go for broke they may not ordinarily take when they are calm. For instance, individuals who have impeded judgment may have unprotected sex, putting them at more serious danger of a sexually transmitted disease (STD) or unplanned pregnancy (Dowshen,