
Zarqawi's Views On Quran And Shariah

Decent Essays

Zarqawi believed that the Koran and Shariah should be implemented in its purist form without fail and to its fullest extent. Also in Zarqawi’s view those who deviated even the slightest from the Koran and Shariah should proclaimed apostates and be given the appropriate punishment, usually death. For example, Zarqawi viewed Shiites practices as denying the Koran’s original perfection, thus they are marked for death. This is reflected in IS’s current to policy to purify the world via execution and other means those who deviate from the Koran and Shariah. Zarqawi’s belief was that an Islamic caliphate was an achievable event within his life time whereas Osama bin Laden believed an Islamic caliphate would not be achieved with his life time.

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