
Essay on journal on Unconditional Positive Regard

Decent Essays

In tonight’s session we have been learning further about Carl Rogers and his conditions of a successful person- centred therapy. We have been exploring Unconditional Positive Regard, a term used by Rogers to describe a basic acceptance and support of a person regardless what they say or do. Unconditional Positive Regard is an attitude of the counsellor towards his client. Rogers believes that this attitude is essential to a healthy development and cause a positive therapeutic movement in a therapy.
I find this condition; the very definition of humanity. Our species have a rare capability to understand each other, however many of us hardly use it. It requires putting the others first, demands to put our feelings and emotions aside. We are …show more content…

In many cases, clients show signs of disbelief and sometimes even aggression towards their therapist. The reason for that is conditional love most of us have experienced in a lifetime. This is called; conditions of worth, since we were little children we have been told or shown that to deserve acceptance and love we have to behave in a certain way ( e.g. Be good, patient, obedient, confident, etc.)We are convinced that we have to be worthy of love. For most of us adults other people’s perception is very important and in many cases can even define a person. Being so used to seeing myself through other people’s eyes, being judged for what I do or have done, Unconditional Positive Regard appears to me as almost impossible to believe. I do think that it is possibly also client’s attitude. That disbelief; that the therapist can put aside whatever I have done and see me as a worthy person for who I am, even If I do not believe in me; probably take a while to disappear and change into trust.
Rogers said that every one of us has within himself desire to change in a positive direction. I assume that he meant and believed that goodness is our natural aspiration. I fully agree with him no matter how unrealistic and ideal it might seem. If we, learning how to be a counsellor, will understand how to be able to accept another person, regardless of their past, negative attitude or defensiveness we will then

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