Benjamin Franklin True Patriot Act

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    and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act (USA PATRIOT Act) is one of the most controversial pieces of legislation to ever pass through the US Senate. Its critics use fear mongering tactics to scare people into opposition of an intrusive police state which they believe is inevitable given the government’s new powers. They consider the Act an assault on civil liberties and an invasion of the privacy of innocent American citizens. Yet the

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    urbanowicz History 1301 12 October 2017 Benjamin Franklin In the Americanization of Benjamin franklin. Gordon s. wood depicts the life of Benjamin Franklin. Through various experiences of franklin’s life, wood can examine franklin. Allowing a better understanding of who this man was, and his views and ideologies on life. Franklin was a man who goals, and aspirations were to do something great, something that would eventually change the world. Franklin came from a hard life in Boston, a life of

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    and shows me the true significance of this saying. The complex message passed through this quote is covered up by words that seem to have no deep meaning. Virgil actually meant that if one is strong enough to try, amazing things can be accomplished. Many are afraid to try because they don’t want to make mistakes. But because of Virgil, I understand why it is better to try than to sit and do nothing because of a foolish fear. I, and many historical figures including Benjamin Franklin, followed this

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    just American, but world history, Benjamin Franklin was the true embodiment of a Renaissance man. His accomplishments benefitted the course of social, political, and scientific progress in many countries, and his influence touched the lives of millions. In America especially, it is common to view him as the great leader who was forever dedicated to the revolution, or the man who lived and breathed American independence, or perhaps the wisest, most level-headed patriot America had seen. He indeed was

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    only way to do that was by making Acts, taxes, so the colonist can pay for the debt the British were in.. The colonist had every right to push for revolution, even though they were subjects of the British crown. King George III did not do very well in protecting their interests. The colonist had every right to push for revolution especially, when the British had George Grenville, one of the ablest men in Great Britain, to make Acts, the Currency, Sugar, and Stamp Acts so the colonist could pay for them

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    No one will ever forget the tragic events that happened on September 11th 2001. The largest act of terrorism on citizens this country has ever seen. The next month Congress passed The USA PATRIOT ACT, a clever acronym for Uniting and Strengthening of America through Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism. This act, designed to halt terrorism, gives the government more power than the constitution provides. No one should bear the power to spy on you, hold you without

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    Sons Of Liberty Analysis

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    Benjamin Franklin once said “We must all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.” The quote represents how the Sons of Liberty were all in, and there was no backing down to the British. They fought together and they were going to die together as long as they fought for what’s right. The Sons of Liberty attempted peaceful solutions to the taxations from the king, fought for what they believed in, and were just acting out against the king in self-defense which shows the Sons of

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    role to helping Adams become the true politician in his life. Abigail Adams was very influential over her husband during his time as a politician. In becoming a lawyer in 1758, would lead Adams to becoming one of Boston’s famous attorneys and becoming a very important political figure throughout the rest of his career. In 1765, Adams quickly identified with the patriot cause the Americans were fighting for, when he opposed the British’s creation of the Stamp Act to tax any printed material to

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    support of the people, many diplomatic opportunities came and choices were made, such as the Olive Branch Petition and forming an alliance with France; moreover, this would have been possible with out the great leadership of our founding father, Benjamin Franklin, and the ideal image of leadership from the honorable George Washington, allowing a movement so great it consecrated a successful revolt against the British reign and formed a whole new nation. During the 1770s Britain oppressed the colonies

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    The Patriot Act: A Dangerous Precedent In the words of Benjamin Franklin, "They who can give up essential Liberty to obtain a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety”. The Patriot Act was passed shortly after the horrific terrorist attack the occurred on September 11, 2001 in order to aid the government in detecting acts of terrorism in the United States. However, there are many reasons why The Patriot Act should be repealed. Firstly, it has led to many civilians being falsely

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