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    Option #1 Microcultures/Cultural Dimensions Are you a member of a microcultural group in America? Chances are the answer is “Yes”. In fact, regardless of your cultural affiliation, the majority of individuals in America are associated with a microcultural group (Neuliep, 2015). These various microcultures exist within the macroculture of the nation, yet possess distinct attributes such as: codes of conduct, customs, etiquette, hierarchies, language, and rituals (Long, 2017). Moreover, a microculture

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Where I personally am at in the physical dimension is on the lower end for flexibility and cardiorespiratory, but around average for the muscular strength and endurance. I am a bit overweight and have been for the most recent years of my life due to lack of motivation to work to and keep off the weight. As of late, my dietary habits have been atrocious, but I hope to change that. One great thing about my physical dimension of wellness though is my great immune system. Getting sick is rare for me

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  • Decent Essays

    out the things that will get you there. Dimensions of Health In life, there is something called psychosocial health. There are many dimensions to this health, but I am going to explain four of them. The first dimension is Mental Health, and this is the thinking part of psychosocial health. This part is where you have the ability to do many things as to solve problems, interpret, to sense, perceive, and to also evaluate what is happening. The next dimension is Emotional Health, this is the part

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    Decent Essays
  • Good Essays

    The fourth dimension is impossible for us humans to picture in our minds, and some may doubt that it even exists or wonder what it is. It is possible to prove that the fourth dimension exists, and I am going to try to explain it by using geometry, though it will still be hard to picture it in your mind. When watching flatland the movie, it made me think about how there could be a fourth dimension. Before watching the movie and starting this paper, I thought that there was no way for us to truly understand

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  • Satisfactory Essays

    Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions by Edwin A. Abbott is a thought experiment detailing what it might be like for sentient shapes to experience a normal 9 to 5 life and existence in a two dimensional world in which triangles, squares, pentagons, and other polygons coexist while knowing nothing of our three dimensional world. A dream encounter with the King of Lineland and an adventure with a Sphere from Spaceland leads our main character “A Square” to explore those worlds as well as meet the

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    Satisfactory Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Hofstede’s Six Cultural Dimensions The Hofstede’s six cultural dimensions were created collectively by Geert Hofstede, Michael Bond, and Michael Minkov. These dimensions of culture were created to view how values in the workplace were influence by a particular culture of a given country. Essentially, it was a tool to describe how workforces in different countries operate under their own culture. There are currently six different dimensions of national cultures; power distance, uncertainty avoidance

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  • Decent Essays

    The Six Dimensions of Health The Six Dimensions of Health are physical, social, mental, intellectual, spiritual, and environmental. All the dimensions work together. If you are struggling in one dimension it may cause you to struggle in others. There are ways you can help keep your dimensions healthy. Practicing theses dimensions can help you keep healthy and happy. The physical dimension is about how well your body is kept in shape. This includes personal hygiene, exercise, and how well you

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Comparison When a business decides to venture internationally into different countries with its products, services, and operations, it is very important that the company gains an understanding of how the culture of the different societies affects the values found in those societies. Geert Hofstede conducted one of the most famous and most used studies on how culture relates to values. Hofstede study enabled him to compare dimensions of culture across 40 countries.

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  • Decent Essays

    marketing and management studies. His dimensions were all constructed in such a way that they addressed basic problems that all societies have to deal with. Thus, these dimensions of national culture were constructed at the national level namely: PDI: Power Distance Index IDV: Individualism versus collectivism MAS: Masculinity versus Femininity UAI: Uncertainty Avoidance Index In 1991, a fifth dimension has been added – LTO – Long Term versus

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    Decent Essays
  • Decent Essays

    Physical, emotional, intellectual, interpersonal, spiritual, and environmental wellness are all considered the six dimensions of wellness with occupational wellness being the possible seventh. But what are these exactly? And how do they apply to me and my health and wellness? The first of the six dimensions is physical wellness, which is your body’s overall wellness. This includes the absence of illness and disease and your body’s fitness level. You have to make good, healthy choices to be physically

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    Decent Essays