ANGLE MODULATION Chapter Objectives This chapter will help you to: 1. Define and explain the processes of frequency modulation (FM) and phase modulation (PM) and state their differences. 2. Calculate the modulation index given the maximum deviation and maximum modulating frequency, determine the significant number of sidebands in an FM signal, and calculate the bandwidth of an FM signal. 3. Define pre-emphasis and de-emphasis, state their benefits, and show how they are accomplished. 4. Name the
receivers using allotted frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum” (Chignell, 2009, p1). In other words, speech from a person talking in a studio is turned into a radio wave, beamed across the airwaves to a receiving radio set and then turned back into speech again for people to listen to. There are three main frequencies used in analogue radio - amplitude modulation, frequency modulation and short wave. At first, Amplitude modulation or AM was the dominant frequency, however, people found that
One of the most important contributions to communication is the invention of radio communication. It has provided a platform for wireless cellular communication. According to an article, it was first believed that ‘The wireless telephone will also cover the seas, lakes and waterways, supplementing the wireless telegraph over short distances’ (Burt, 1908, para. 3). If only he knew that wireless telegraph will become a thing of the past. The first effective radio communication system was developed
INTRODUCTION Every day, in our work and in our leisure time, we come in contact with and use a variety of modern communication systems and communication media, the most common being the telephone, radio, television, and the Internet. Through these media we are able to communicate (nearly) instantaneously with people on different continents, transact our daily business, and receive information about various developments and events of note that occur all around the world. Electronic mail and facsimile
Applications of Electromagnetic Waves Electromagnetism involves the overall performance of electric charges in different media, including in vacuum and in specific matter. This conduct can be precisely portrayed by the Lorentz Transformation equations and and Maxwell 's conditions, which were obtained from trials demonstrating how forces acting on charges rely on upon the relative areas and movements of different charges in its vicinity. Extra significant laws of physical sciences incorporate Newton
amplifier. These microphones are small, have excellent sensitivity, a wide frequency response and a very low cost. First amplification stage: This is a standard self biasing common emitter amplifier. The 22nF capacitor isolates the microphone from the base voltage of the transistor and only allows alternating current (AC) signals to pass. The tank (LC) circuit: Every FM transmitter needs an oscillator to generate the radio frequency carrier waves. The tank (LC) circuit, the BC547 and the feedback 5pF
Senior Science Research Project Aaron Aherne-Williams Fibre-Optic Telecommunications Systems: Fibre-optic telecommunications is simply a method of transmitting information from one place to another extremely fast. This is done by shooting pulses of light through an optical fibre. Creating the optical signal involving the use of a transmitter, relaying the signal along the fiber, ensuring that the signal does not become too distorted or weak, receiving the optical signal, and converting it
In a real radio station, the radio will have an assigned frequency so no two stations will be broadcasting over each other. When a radio is tuned to a number, it is really being tuned to that number’s frequency. Electromagnetic waves are very important to radios because they provide a medium at which to output a sound. Because of their properties of magnetism and electricity, they are
Introduction In its most basic form, the radio has always played an inherent role in the development of societies around the world. Before the mobile first generation, and even the television, the radio was the device that families would allow into their home and embrace as a connection to the outside world. With no exception to this rule, Hispanic radio has shaped the growing minorities ' role in American society ever since its boom. Hispanic radio has been the unifying force between Latino communities
“Radio reaches more than 68% of U.S. consumers ages 12 and older on an average day.” (, 2014) I selected a career in radio because I love listening to and being around music, I love meeting new people, and I love journalism. Radio announcer’s present music and news and some may provide input on topics or interview guests. Some announcers act as emcees or DJ’s during events hosted by the radio station or during other events like at weddings, parties, or clubs. Announcers announce