Husayn ibn Ali

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    The chapter continues with Shia biographical narrative of Ali, giving details of his

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    The Approach of Nonviolence Essay

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    “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind” (Mahatma Gandhi), welcome to the world of non-violence, not similar to ‘disney land’ but merely a small philosophical village coated in white, decorated with crystals and abundant in doves; white resembling peace, crystals for clarity and pure spirit and doves for .. I don’t know, I guess I have been driven by my imagination. There is a considerable debate about the precise meaning of nonviolence. Some people believe that nonviolence is a philosophy

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    The Imams The Imamate began with Ali, who is also accepted by Sunni Muslims as the fourth of the "rightly guided caliphs" to succeed the Prophet. Shia’s revere Ali as the First Imam, and his descendants, beginning with his sons Hasan and Husain, continue the line of the Imams until the Twelfth, who is believed to have ascended into a supernatural state to return to earth on judgment day. Shias point to the close lifetime association of Muhammad with Ali. When Ali was six years old, he was invited

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    Every Culture has a set of rituals that they partake in, that are often constructed over a long period of time. Simple Actions, and special moments contain so much meaning and make everlasting memories. All rituals despite the locations they originate from, or the location they are carried out in contain the same components, they are repetitive, symbolic, remind a certain group of people about their values and beliefs, and these rituals commemorate a significant moment. For example christians commemorate

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    The rising costs of the war, coupled with falling oil prices in 1986, led to the use of non-oil exports to generate revenue because oil income was no longer a guaranteed source of foreign currency. To finance short-term debts, Iran drained its small reserve of foreign currency by allowing advance drawing on revenues. The FY 1987 budget also reflected the priority of the war effort. The government again promised to curb inflation, to continue to subsidize basic foodstuffs, and to make billions available

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    the best when it came to trading gold and transacting it to merchants (Muslim). An additional document need would be one from a Muslim merchant as well as from a Kilwa merchant expressing their points of views. Document five written by Abdul Hassan ibn Ali al Mas’udi, an Arab traveler, a merchant and a geographer, depicts the trading system used by the Zanj with China and India. As a merchant, traveler, and geographer Mas’udi’s point of view is that he finds out trading sites to which he may inform

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    The Ismaili Da ø Wa

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    in hiding. Among them, the life of Muḥammad ibn Ismāʿīl remains very obscure. Certain early sources, which were written by the anti-Ismaili polemicists, confuse the identity of Muḥammad with a certain non-ʿAlid by the name of ʿAbd Allāh ibn Maymūn al-Qaddāḥ, a follower of al-Khaṭṭāb who is believed to have developed extremist Shīʿa

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    They were Umar Ibn Al Khattab, Uthman, and Ali Ibn Abi Talib. During the Caliphate of Ali there was much fighting and eventually the Muslim world fell into civil war. The later Caliphs had nominal control over the Islamic states, but interestingly none of them were brought to power by Shura; they all gained

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    that Ali-Bin-Abi-Talib was supposed to be the first. Ismai’lism, to which I belong, is the second biggest branch of Shia after the Imami or Jaafari group. The majority of Isma’ilists live in Najran, located in the south region of Saudi Arabia, near the Saudi-Yemeni borders. There are many things that distinguish Islma’ilists from other branches of Shia such as: the Imams, religious rituals and the dates of religious holidays.

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    The reason why he convinced Husayn was because at that time, European powers wanted control along the eastern Mediterranean including Palestine, and the Ottoman Empire was aligned with Germany against Britain and France in war. In return the British would support the establishment on an Arab state under Husayn rule in Arab states such as Palestine for their support in the war. Sadly the Arabs weren't the only ones who

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