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    nature and the power of forgiveness, there are two main characters of particular anomaly. The actions of Leontes and Perdita in this play are unique unto themselves. As King, Leontes' every decision weighs heavily upon the court and his country. As we have seen in several other plays by Shakespeare, when the King is in distress, Nature herself is disrupted. The cosmic connection between Leontes and Nature allows for the supernatural forces that are seen late in the play. He has the opportunity to

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    this through Leontes. The Winter’s Tale illustrates that all of Leontes’ immoral decisions and irrational accusations originate from private judgement. Shakespeare shows this by Leontes failing to see the whole and examine the past, to trust the wisdom of authority, and to see recurring patterns and to trust the many pieces of evidence and testimonies of witnesses that converge to verify the truth. The first point is how Leontes fails to see the whole and examine the past. Leontes believes that

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    Analysis of King Leontes' Transformation Jealousy and judgement, or rather misjudgement, seem to be major themes in Shakespeare’s plays, in which most judgements are assumed by no logical basis or intellectual wit. King Leontes, unlike Othello, comes to his conclusion by his own means, without any outside verification of truth or logical explanation for his jealousy. However, there are many similarities, based on their situation, between him and Othello. Both men transform, emotionally, into

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    In Shakespeare’s The Winter’s Tale, King Leontes and Queen Hermione are aided by their servants during the play. Leontes’s servant Camillo appears to be loyal at the beginning of the play but quickly switches his loyalty to King Polixenes when the King discovers his drink was poisoned. Hermione’s servent Paulina is loyal the entire play because she is constantly arguing for Hermione’s innocence and fighting against Leontes’s assumptions. As the male servant, Camillo has an easier role because he

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    find the truth, where as Leontes completely irrational jealously shows he has no trust. This reflect the imbalanced relationship they have although a modern audience would want Hermione to fight for her rights against this hysterical man, we admire her for her dignity. Although Hermione accepts the charges the lords of the courts show that Hermione is true and loyal and they want “the good truth to be known”. In contrast to the relationship of Hermione and Leontes rests the relationship of

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    is independent, which connotes to freedom, allowing her to say to Leontes “you, sir, charge him too coldly”. Also, this would have shocked traditional audiences as woman were inferior and were reliant on men as they were essentially possessions. Also, she only talks when Leontes says “speak you”, as a defence in court she said she loved Polixenes even so and no other than” Leontes “commanded”. Furthermore, she addresses Leontes as “sir” not by his personal name meaning he’s superior showing Hermione’s

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  • Decent Essays

    his wife’s betrayal. Both Othello and Leontes have a seemingly sudden onset of jealousy. However, Othello’s jealousy forms later in the play than Leontes’. This is important when comparing the two because there are acts of the play showing Othello’s nature and character which do not point towards jealousy or concern for his wife’s conduct. Othello’s lack of jealousy, in the beginning, can be seen in act 3.3, line 188, “The smallest fear or doubt of

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    controversial play in 1609-1611 about the King of Sicilia who makes repulsive decisions reflecting his lack of humanity when it comes to his family. Bearing a child is a time that should bring out the joys of life and unite families. However, King Leontes of Sicilia destructs his opportunity to grow love for his unborn daughter and have what others only dream of because of suspicion that his wife is guilty of infidelity with the kings best friend. William Shakespeare’s play A Winter’s Tales is constructed

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    In order to grow and learn, one must be dynamic and not static. The definition of a character being dynamic is when a person undergoes an important inner change in their personality and/or attitude. Static character is the opposite of dynamic; static characters are defined in such a way that the character does not show any changes from the beginning of the story to the end of the story. In Shakespeare’s play, The Winter’s Tale, there are a couple of characters that are dynamic, but there are also

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    Polixenes and Leontes as well as inferiorizing all feminized characters in the play. Through these marital fissures, Shakespeare’s play—along with DiGangi’s secondary essays—shows that conjugal happiness is nearly impossible in his society for Hermione and Leontes, furthering the divide between men and women. The problem of conjugal fault lines in The Winter’s Tale first appears in the glorification of male-male relationships in the play. Most notably is the way in which King Leontes’ and King Polixenes’

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