J. M. W. Turner

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    Aquatints- A print done by engraving with tone. ( pg 269) Dynamics-loud or low music. Concepts Main Concept 1: Interior of Tintern Abbey- J.M.W. Turner Page 214 .Student Outcome 1. Think analytically and critically about individual works of art. A. The basic elements of the piece interior of Tintern Abbey by J.M.W. Turner is watercolor. When Turner was nineteen he looked around the Wye

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    Task Two: J.M.W. Turner, Slave Ship Initial reaction When I entered the paintings title into my browser and came upon it for the first time I was immediately awe struck with the bright colors of the sky, deep colors of the sea, and loose brush strokes with ill-defined boarders of people and objects. My emotional reaction took a quick turn when the content of the painting hit me. Amidst the rough sea and storm is the smaller slave ship, and smaller yet are the human figures and sea creatures depicted

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    there is no other that is the like anyone else. People think different, dress different and like and dislike certain things. This is similar to the artists of the nineteenth century including Pierre Etienne Theodore Rousseau and Joseph Mallord William Turner. They are both artists during the nineteenth century and were painted at the same time; however, there is a difference between their styles, their point of view, and the scenery. However there are similarities between the two paintings. The paintings

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    reason with the sublime. It was a response to how cold, bitter, and hollow living life based solely on logic was. Among the many artists, novelists, and poets that championed the movement, was a painter by the name of Joseph Mallord William Turner. J.M.W Turner is remembered for works such as The Fall of an Avalanche in the Grisons, Snow Storm-Steam-Boat off a Harbour’s Mouth and Tintern Abbey, whose location was the subject of a poem by William Wordsworth. Tintern Abbey is one example of how Romantics

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    Ruination and Drosscape Ruination is a recurring theme through the creative field; primarily in art, art theory and poetry. There is a grand human reaction to ruin that transcends this word into a conceptual state. It is a concept that artists have had an abiding interest in, which has in turn led the conception of the modern ruin. My uncoverage of this concept has been through a multitude of resources whilst researching for my own artistic practise. Art theorists and artists have thematically looked

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    The Slave Ship and Impression Sunrise two masterpieces of Art History Olen Henderson C100 December 1,2016 Course Mentor Group Turner 's The Slave Ship, in addition to Monet’s Impression Sunrise, each collectively are a couple of masterpieces of the nineteenth century that examine the interpretation of colors in addition to motion. They may be intricate works that can be both identified as the face of artistic techniques; The Slave Ship is widely seen as a Romantic portrait becoming an outstanding

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    Typhon coming on (“The Slave Ship”) Turner, John Mallord William (1775-1851) Romantic Landscape Painter 1840; Oil on canvas, 90.8 x 122.6 cm; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston "Aloft all hands, strike the top-masts and belay; Yon angry setting sun and fierce-edged clouds Declare the Typhon's coming. Before it sweeps your decks, throw overboard The dead and dying - ne'er heed their chains Hope, Hope, fallacious Hope! Where is thy market now?" JMW Turner displayed this poem with his Slave Ship

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    ‘Norham Castle Sunrise’, first painted by Joseph Mallord William Turner in 1798 as a young man of 23 years old. Having first visited the castle in 1797 Turner proceed to paint Norham Castle various times through out his career. It can be seen through this series the way in which his age impacted upon his perception of the scene, his final painting, completed 1845 when Turner was in his 70s shows the transition of the atmospheric value and presence that now features, i will be writing on this final

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    logic they took that made individuals heroic. They produced literatures expressing the intense emotions of their experiences, era, or political disagreements. One of the ways it was expressed was with art, specifically painting. Joseph Mallord William Turner gave the gunship Temeraire a Romanticist end on her journey to be taken apart. Theodore Gericault’s take on the controversial shipwreck of a French frigate became an icon in French Romanticism. Both paintings became famous and well known for the artists

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    painted and for who. Artist now had to produce art that were liked by the masses, as they competed in this new market place, where massive quantities of art was on display. Before looking at artworks from Henri Fuselli, Théodore Géricault and William Turner, we will first take a look at the roots and origins of the romantic period. Romanticism was born when the Industrial revolution had already been in full force over most of europe. The industrial boom and the synthetic, man-made landscapes that came

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